If ever you are staying in southern Texas
I highly recommend
The Inn
at Chachalaca Bend.

This bed and breakfast is exquisite!
I was inspired by the mesquite fence and the rain chains that hung from the roof.I highly recommend
The Inn
at Chachalaca Bend.

This bed and breakfast is exquisite!
Sitting on the balcony and watching Golden Fronted Woodpeckers was very fun.
I am telling more travel stories on my Holiday blog!
It just might take me another week to get all the photgraphs processed!
We have driven thru Las Fresnos several times on our way to Brownsville but haven't taken the time to look around, now we will. Las Fresnos is just 20 miles or so down from where we are.
These shots bring back wonderful memories for me Sherry. Those rain chains are fantastic.
I love that little patch of extra color on the woodpecker's face.
Sherry I look forward to reading all about the trip in other blog!Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a nice place to visit. I like the little woodpecker. Thanks for sharing.
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