Meggie lives in New South Wales, Australia.
She is a quilter and a fantastic writer.
I visit her at,
Life's Free Treats.
While on vacation I heard about the fires In Victoria.She is a quilter and a fantastic writer.
I visit her at,
Life's Free Treats.

I was concerned for Meggie and her loved ones.
I was concerned for her country.

Meggie sent a link last week to a story about Bruno's Art Sculpture garden.
Many of these fantastic sculptures were destroyed by the fires.
Please take a minute to watch the short slide show of this amazing work.
Visit Meggie too.
Her birthday is tomorrow.
Hi Sherry, I also got this slideshow of the ruined forest sculptures from somebody (via email). How terribly sad. His sculptures looked incredibly enchanted.
Will visit Meggie too.
Happy birthday to Maggie and thanks for sharing your concern with us!
That is so sad about the forest sculptures.
I will pay Meggie a visit...
Hi Sherry.....the fires in Australia have been so cruel.....especially as some were caused by man.....this makes me so sad.....
Such beautiful artwork....probably many years work.....sad.......
Thankyou so much for the link & the birthday wishes, Sherry.
I had a lovely day with family & friends.
There is hope for the gardens of Bruno Torfs. His family are going to try to rebuild.
The sad fact is, some of these re-growths take up to 26 years. Bruno may never see the end result, but it is wonderful to think he has family & friends ready to take over the magic.
I do grieve for all the creatures & birds who have perished in these fires, & I wonder how they can ever recover.
As I write this, there are still fires raging in Victoria.
Dear Wendy,
The forest sculptures are so beautiful! Each one on the slide show spoke to me.
Meggie is a friend of mine. I love her ways.
She does have birds and bugs but mostly it is her stories and her quilts that fascinate me.
Dear Tom,
The fires are terrible. I am worried for the wild life as well as the people.
I hope the U.S. is helping.
There are ways we can contribute funds. I know Pay Pal has a program. Also there is a link on the web site to send help to Bruno and his family.
So very sad,
Dear Aerie-el,
It is very sad.
Meggie is a delightful woman!
I enjoy her stories and her way of life.
Hope you enjoy your visit.
Dear Cheryl,
The fires are terrible. I was concerned for Meggie and her countrymen. I had heard some people were trying to run from the wall of flames. I did hear some of the fires were set by people. How strange. I wonder why....I do not understand such action. If humans would only work together what a fantastic world this would be.
Dear Meggie,
You are welcome friend of mine!
So happy your birthday was fun.
I was awed by the sculptures...just amazing talent. I do hope he can rebuild. His work is magical indeed. A delight to see even in the photographs. In person it must have taken your breath away!
I will continue to send blessings to you, your family and your countrymen.
Maybe the Indian Magpies will go home now and leave your bushes for the native songbirds.
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