There are three pairs of Cardinals now.
The females chase each other around the yard.
The males chase each other off the feeders.

There are many Robins in the yard.
This one stayed with me for over an hour this afternoon.
He had his raisins and I my book.
It is a fast read.
I do not even need my glasses!

The time is drawing near when I will see my daughter.
I leave next week!
You will not only see your daughter but I am sure you will see some totems. I love that part of our great country. You will have such fun visiting.
Your pictures of the birds are beautiful. I love taking pictures of them - so far there still aren't many around yet.
I had a friend one summer who came to visit our town and him and his brother carved totems and was apparently commissioned to do one for Disney. They were only teenagers. I've often wondered what happened to him and if he still does that.
Your bird pics are lovely. How did you get that robin to stay for an hour? You must be magic! Your books sound so interesting.
I think the anticipation of a trip is almost as fun as the trip. It will be truly wonderful to see your daughter.
beautiful birdy pics. Just love seeing them.
i am sure you can't wait for next week to get here so you will see your wonderful daughter and put your arms around every chance you get.
your wrens are a most handsome couple. we have had so many robins coming thru flocks and flocks. i am reading a new book too called the dna of relationships so far so good. i'm trying to get a little understanding for why some things work the way they do.
have fun getting ready for your trip.
How exciting that you will be visiting with your daughter next week! I can just imagine how happy you are :-) I haven't spotted Robin yet and we only had a one day visit from Carolina Wren - I wish she would return, such a cute little bird.
Have fun visiting your daughter. It will be fun to see your photos when you get back. I hope she takes you to some cool birding spots.
That's a really good look at the wren. Perhaps you will see winter and bewick's wrens while in Portland.
Great pictures of your birds!
And what a lovely book cover. I'll have to add this one to my list! Fast reads are a huge plus! :)
Have a wonderful time with your daughter!
Dear many birds.....and all so beautiful...
I walked the gardens at 6.30 am, a mist had settled....I wore my ears were snug and warm...
I saw a wren making a nest in the juniper, I wonder if they will use it. Apparently the male wren makes three nests for his sweetheart and she chooses which one they will use. How sweet.....
I can feel the butterflies in your tummy.....not long now and you will be with your daughter......walking and talking and enjoying the moment.....
I am looking forward to hearing about your travels.....
Have a happy and peaceful weekend......
A visit with a daughter is always so precious!! Hugsxx
Dear Lisa,
When I was in the Pacific Northwest a couple of years ago we went into British Columbia. Lots of totems there. Very interesting.
I am counting the days down! Soon, very soon I will see my daughter.
I am excited.
Dear RainGardener,
Thank you. The birds are beautiful~
Totems are very cool. When I came home from my trip to British Columbia in 2007, I wanted to do a totem for my garden but I became very sick. Now that I feel better I just might do one...
The birds will be singing in your gardens soon.
Dear Wendy,
Thank you. This is a very friendly Robin. He just stood around one of the feeding bowls and every now and again would have a raisin. I was reading with the camera on my lap, and every now and again I would snap his picture! LOL
Mockingbird used to sit with me like this. The Cardinals will sit in the trees near the deck for hours at a time too.
I am so excited to see my daughter. I have a few things around the house to do before I leave. I like to return to clean and tidy!
Dear Marmee,
I miss my daughter very much! It has been 15 months since I last saw her! Too long without her hugs and smiles. We chat on the phone but it is not the same.
I wrote your book down...I am doing a study on friendships.
I too am very interested in understanding relationships.
I have a few errands today. We need some trail mix for the plane.
I am almost ready!
Dear Debbie,
Thank you. I decided to spend a couple of hours with the birds knowing I will be gone soon. I like to think they will miss me.
As long as the food holds out I think they will be happy.
Dear Deb,
Soon all your darlings will be back singing and nesting!
I am a tad warmer than you so some birds over winter in my backyard!
I am over the moon excited! So soon I will be with my daughter....
Our visit will fly by too.
Dear Bernie,
My daughter reported a red breasted nuthatch was at her feeder the other day! I would love to do some birding while in the Pacific Northwest. We are going up to Lake Quinualt Lodge for a few days so I might see a few birds there. I want to sit in the forest.
Bet I will see some moss!
Dear Aerie-el,
I love the large print books from the library! I zip right through them. I also love books on cd! I think I like being read to!
Dear Cheryl,
I am so happy little hat kept your ears warm in the garden mists this morning.
Thank you for wearing her. I think you are not a hat person but keeping your ears warm is different.
The little wrens are darling. Three nests? He is a good suitor.
I am very excited to see my daughter...very. I am counting the days!
May you also enjoy the weekend and your birthday celebration.
Dear Meggie,
I have been looking forward to this trip ever since I bought the plane tickets! I bet I cry when I see her...and when I leave.
My heart will be so filled to see her smile.
Hi Sherry~~
Love your birds and your prowess with the camera. Cardinals are not indigenous to the PNW so others' photos are always nice.
Enjoy your read.
It is a joy to have so many bird around. We have a family of house sparrows and a couple of great tits who live on bushes right under our balcony. It is wonderful to wake up and hear their singing especially now when spring is coming!
I simply cannot get enough of your bird photos!
I also have Peony in Love out of the library!
The robin was enjoying some nice company! I have started to notice the robins more lately - in the trees eating dried fruits....You will have a great time visiting next week I am sure!
Querida Sherry,
I know you'll have a fun trip. Enjoy it, every second of it!
Very beautiful photos! And I'm so happy you are going on a fun trip! I know you'll come back with all kinds of photos to share!
Dear Grace,
Thank you! I do enjoy my backyard birds. When I come to the PNW I hope to see lots of your birds! I would love to sit with my daughter on her patio and take photographs of her birds! We could talk and laugh and drink tea! I love just thinking about it!
I zipped right through my books! Had to get some more for the trip!
Happy Spring,
Dear Alexandria,
I love the pre-dawn wake up...
The Robins are first then the Cardinals and the Wrens join in.
The spring chorus has begun...
Happy SPring,
Dear Judy,
Thank you. Soon we will have bugs again! I am looking forward to seeing butterflies and bees again. Peony in Love was so sad! A strange story...I liked it.
What did you think?
Dear Chris,
My daughter tells me people talk about what they do. Lately all I am doing is counting the days until I get to see my darling daughter's baby blues!
I am excited!
Dear Mel,
Thank you!
I will post when I get home. Hope I have a bird or two for show and tell!
Happy Autumn! Happy Spring!
Dear Lavender Dreamer,
I thought of you the other day when I made lavender tea. It was tasty!
I will share my trip when I get home. I decided not to worry about posting while gone.
I leave in 4 days!
Happy Spring,
Hello Q!
Your bird pictures are beautiful as always! I love the last image of the robin!
Our forsythias are starting to show color also..& my Daffodils have started blooming :) Spring is just around the corner!!
Enjoy your Day!
Q~I forgot to say Enjoy your vist with your daughter!!
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