I was so sad this morning.
Behind the lens of the camera I could see the beauty.
Being one with the tulips
and the daffodils was sad.

I will wait to see if the lilac blooms.
as the ice melted she once again showed her Spring fashion.
I am watching the hyacinths.
I am affected by Mother Nature.
Her Spring ice and snow are beautiful.
I am sad for the daffodils.
My Dear Sherry.....there is much beauty in these photographs.....mother natures is so unpredictable.......and sometime she can appear cruel.......
Maybe, just maybe, some of your beautiful blooms will survive......keep hope in your heart my friend.......
Thinking of you
These are beautiful photos. The daffodils do look a little sad and droopie, but they and Nature will endure the elements and will be stronger for it. A smile upon its face shall begin in this moment. New feelings and new responses to explore.
Such contrasts, the blooms in snow. They just do not belong together but it makes pretty pictures.Hopefully it will leave as fast as it came.We had the same thing one spring and surprisingly the flowers did not get hurt by it all.
Hi Sherry, your pics are fabulous. You've captured the snow as if it were crystal! Spring flowers are hardy and I think they will survive. Our daffodils sometimes poke through the snow. Our tulips sometimes get frosted with snow, but they shake it off and glow once again.
All you need is some sunshine.
These are the best snow pictures Sherry. All that color inthe snow.
They are wonderful photos, Sherry!! I for one need all the colour I can get! I am fairly certsin that the flowers will recover. We had snow one year when the forsythia and the tulips were in bloom, and they came through with no damage. I have never seen snow on the lilac buds, though!!
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you for understanding. I shall have hope.
Today I watched as some of the daffodils popped back up.
I hope the lilac will still bloom out.
Mother Nature IS unpredictable. I also think climate change has come to my gardens.
Spring is always touch and go here.
I shall visit your gardens and your bees when I feel sad!
Dear Bernie,
Thank you! I laughed when I read your comment...thank you for sending a smile. My husband assured me some of the daffodils would pop back up...I was so happy he was right.
I did think the contrast of the spring flowers and the snow was pretty in a strange way...
Thank goodness for my birds...they lift my heart.
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