and let Southern Breeze blow
Springtime into my house.
Buds are forming on the White Lilac.
I let Southern Breeze dry my hair.
A milkweed pod burst open just as I passed the ivy.
I stopped and watched Southern Breeze sow seeds.
Corn Speedwell is blooming in the garden paths.
It is an early Spring wildflower.
It is unseasonably warm today.
I went through the demask.
I found a few napkins that would look pretty for March.
More ironing to do.
I do not mind.
My husband brought home flowers for my vases.
He knows it will be a few weeks before I have daffodils from the gardens.
He knows a special friend is coming to town tomorrow!
He knows I am planning kitchen table time with her.
Spring is winking at me.
Dear Sherry....what a wonderful photograph of the milkweed pod bursting....what a beautiful capture....I love the thought of your hair drying in the breeze, much better than a dryer....
I love speedwells....we have germander speedwell here, it is quite similar.....mine is not in bloom yet, but lots of her leaves are appearing.
Have a lovely time with your friend.....and how sweet of your husband to bring flowers for your table.....
Beautiful flowers and would you look at that therometer! (drool)
One of these days it shall warm up here in Maine.
I always enjoy your photos and commentaries. Today's was very relaxing. You beat me to posting your thermometer. LOL I was going to take a picture of it yesterday, but forgot. I remembered today, but not when it was 76, a record high for the day. I also took pics of my messy car I worked at getting uncluttered, but don't know if I'll post those. ;o)
Spring is winking at us!
How sweet of hubby to bring you flowers! Lucky you to have such a warm day. I loved the milkweed pod bursting open - nice shot.
Air dryed hair is best - and yours must smell like the south.
Enjoy your visit tomorrow.
Goodness Sherry it was warmer over by you than it was here today. We might hit 70 tomorrow. Wasn't that wind something?? I too opened windows and the paito door so the dogs could go out at will. We are dog sitting for my friend.
I hope you and your friend have a great time getting caught up on life at your table.
I few daffodils came out today here too. And I too love the speedwells/Veronica Species. And they are edible too.
Great photos as always Sherry.
I have a soft spot for blue flowers, and milkweed.
Enjoy your visit with the visitor..and the flowers hubby gave you as well..!
Nice photo of the milkweed fluff. We are gedtting your type of weather for the next four days here in eastern NC.
Hi Sherry,
We are the recipients of mild weather also. We are off to a garden show today. You are after my heart with those gorgeous damask napkins that sing springtime and March holidays.
I love the milkweed seeds!!!!!
Hello Sherry, this ist a nice Post. I do no know your husband actually but I already like him for bringing you flowers. Have a nice wekend with your friend
The weather has been beautiful lately.
I lvoe the milkweed fuzz! :)
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you! I stood and watched the milkweed seeds float away as the breeze took them...I was so fascinated. Within five minutes the pod was empty...Mother Nature sows seeds in a graceful way. Now there will be flowers for Monarch butterflies.
The speedwells make for nice soft ground cover. Seeing the blooms means if a bee would wake up there would be some food...not much but at least some.
My husband is very nice. He knows how much I love flowers. I think he also enjoys having flowers on our tables.
I am thinking of you and your darling Grandchildren,
Dear Maine Birder,
I was in northern Maine in August a few years ago, and it was just beautiful...fresh blueberries...
Soon spring will come to you too.
It is cold and rainy today...Spring is just flirting with me!
Dear Sue,
It was so warm...too warm really.
I was able to get some outside clean up done too.
I am looking forward to seeing bees and butterflies again...I miss them.
Dear Wendy,
I so enjoyed allowing the wind to dry my hair.
South Breeze was delightful all day...
Dear Lisa,
Thank you.
I get to chat with Sandi every Wednesday but we only have eye to eye time once a is never long enough either!
Dear Bernie,
I did not know the speedwells were edible. Thank you! They are pretty.
I am looking forward to the first daffodil in bloom. I have hundreds and they always look so pretty when they bloom. I shall pop over and see if you posted a photograph of the daffs.
We had an inch of rain over night the grass is beginning to green.
Spring is here...
Dear Shelia,
I would like to grow more blue flowers...finding native and blue is the best!
I had a wonderful visit with my friend...I miss her already.
Dear Randy,
The warm up was so nice. It has cooled back down today. We had thundershowers over night. I loved going to sleep to the sounds of rain...
Enjoy Spring!
Dear MN,
Thank you. I love damask...
I never mind the ironing.
Enjoy the flower show.
I shall pop over for a visit soon.
Happy Spring!
Dear Judy,
I love knowing the seeds are going forth..hopefully some will find soil and take root. The Monarchs will need the blooms!
Dear Belen,
He is a kind soul!
Dear Scienceguy,
I shall pop over and see if we have left on our African adventure...I just love traveling with you!
Dear Tom,
I heard yesterday the Baltimore Orioles were in the area. I will get my oranges and grape jelly out!
The milkweed popping right as I came through the arbor was so exciting...
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