We celebrate Q for ABC Wednesday.
I could move to the Quinault Rain Forest.

I long to see Quail.

Piles of state Quarters wait for a bank.

I am fixing quinoa for supper.

When we travel we stop at the information centers.
I always have questions and I like having a state map.
I remember the Quince

my Father planted it when I was a teenager.

I wonder if it is still growing?
Queen Ann's Lace is my favorite wildflower.

My Mother called me, "Q".
It was the term of endearment she had for me.

Happy ABC Wednesday.
I found you, and what a thrill it has been. I love your blog, this is the first blog I have viewed outside of quilt shop blogs. I am so glad we met, I felt a connection right away we both have a passion for nature, life and the thinks that make our hearts sing.I can't wait to see tomorrows blog! I didn't mention this but I was a Kight with my first marriage. ODD
What a wonderful collection.
Thanks so much for contributing!
Ah, Q, you are a girl after my own heart! What a lot of lovely Qs!
The little painted quail is so sweet! And I love that butterfly on the Queen Anne's Lace - that's a great shot!
I love the idea of getting a free plant, too - how quaint!
On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week. :)
Dear Sherry.....a sentimental and endearing post. Wildflowers are the best.....and they draw in the wildlife.......
My father had quince in the garden....I remember it.....
and as for the Quail.....my friend used to raise them......and I have seen them in the wild near my daughters........sweet little birds......
Lovely post as always......
Quality Q! Quinault is so wonderful! Two quails wandered my small yard over the weekend and I thought of you - you would know their names! My granddaughter introduced me to quinoa and I'm hooked, too! Love your Q post - it's a delight!
Beautiful, really...
Sherry, what a wonderful collection of Q's! How special to have the tag for the quince that your father planted; I have one growing here, too--perhaps it also came as a free gift from Henry Field.
I always wondered how you came up with Q for your name; now I know:)
great q post sherry,
i had to look up a few things to see what they were, quinoa and the quinault rain forest. very clever q's.
i love knowing your mom affectionately called you q...always wondered where you got that from.
Dear ODD,
I am so happy you found Corner.
All sorts of happenings here.
I also am glad we met at the kite festival. I posted lots of kite photos on my Holiday blog.
Please send me an e-mail I would love to keep in touch. We both do have the passion of nation.
Dear Mrsnesbitt,
Thank you for hostessing ABC Wednesday.
It is very fun!
Dear Jay,
Thanks! This was fun. I have more ideas for Q maybe next time.
Dear Cheryl,
Thank you. I would love to see quail. When I was in Arizona I saw California Quail. It has been years ago.
The next time I am around my parent's old house I shall take a peek and seeing if my Father's quince is still growing. I think it blooms in March.
Dear Sue,
Thank you! I do enjoy ABC Wednesday. I did not know how much fun it could be. I enjoy seeing what others come up with too.
A fun meme. I already am thinking about R!
Dear Laurie,
Thank you! It is fun. My husband enjoys ABC Wednesday too!
Dear Rose,
ABC Wednesday is so much fun.
I was pleased to find some of my Father's gardening tags!
My Mother was a funny lady. I can still hear her voice calling me, "Q". I miss her.
Dear Marmee,
If you ever get a chance to go to the temperate rain forest in Washington State do go. It is a fantastic experience. Lake Quinault Lodge is beautiful too.
I have more q's so I will play again next round!
Thank you.
Such a lot of 'Q's! good job.
I love the bird photos, too, BTW!
What an interesting post Sherry. I wondered how you got the moniker of Q.
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