I was able to have breakfast with the birds.

An Indigo Bunting has found my backyard.
I hope he tells his friends!
I hope he tells his friends!

I walked the gardens.
The lavender is blooming.
Soon I will harvest.
The Cala lilies are blooming.
The Poppies bring light.
After the pods dry I will harvest the seeds.
A few bugs are out drying their wings.
Interesting that the bug is as colourful as the birds and flowers. I like the Poppies, one of my favourite flowers.
Ahh....lavender! Everything looks beautiful but this rain is getting to be an every day happenstance here, too!
You have got the most gorgeous colorful birds. What is the first one who's having a horrible hair day? And your flowers are equally gorgeous and colorful. Enjoy that rain.
Sherry! Wonderful photos of your garden visitors! Oh that cardinal all soaking wet!! sweet!
Your garden is so far ahead of mine..lavender to harvest soon!!
I just love that fly photo Sherry. My poppies are finished blooming. They chose to bloom while I was away this year. Booo hoo.. One of my favorites I feel like I missed.
Such lovely photos again Sherry, the birds are so different to ours and so colourful as are your blooms.
Cute little birds, especially the cardinal who looks like he's taking a bath. Your lavender is blooming already? I've only just planted mine.
I love rainy days. The pitter patter of raindrops on the roof and the smell of everything opening up in anticipation for the deluge.
Poor bedraggled cardinal!!
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