Thursday, May 14, 2009

Peonies and Poppies

The peonies on the south side of the house
are blooming.

There are a few different varieties.

The bushes are filled with flowers.

The poppies began to open this morning.

Peonies and poppies are so pretty.


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have never grown peonies but I love them! How huge the blooms are and the color is always so delicate! I am enjoying your Spring birds, too!

Wendy said...

Summer has come to your house!! Peonies and poppies say summer to me. Yippeeee! I hope it's warm where you are. We've had both cold and rainy and wonderfully warm. It's still a long way before we see any peonies. But sooner or later....

ShySongbird said...

How lovely, Paeonies always look so blowsy and beautiful, mine are still in bud but won't be long I think.
The bird photos on your previous post are stunning.

Deb said...

I adore Peonies! Ours are still tight buds but I noticed lots of little ants crawling about so they will be opening soon :-)

Anonymous said...

Sherry your Peonies are beautiful!!! And I think that is the Poppy that I got from my Mother. I have gotten them from her every year for years and always nothing! They die. Last year they FINALLY lived and grew and guess what? They reseeded and are coming up this year. It sure took me long enough to get the little suckers to perform for me but they did and I will really appreciate them now!
I've been going through some of your posts that I've missed. How did you get those little Orioles to pose for so cute like that cocking their heads. How adorable they are. And the Flicker pictures are so great too. Practice I'm sure and I'm working on that!!!
Thanks for stopping by yesterday - I left a message for you after your comment!

Angie said...

Your peonies are beautiful, Sherry. Your photos are so clear and crisp.

Sheila said...

I love peonies. The first photo is gorgeous.
I have two. The names of them are long forgotten. They were clumps given to me many years ago, by an elderly man, who got them from someone else..etc etc!
What do you to support yours? I have used tomato cages, but not very successfully. The plants get so heavy, and as soon as it rains the are flat.
I have buds on one, so it eon't be long before they flowers.
Your poppies are a delicious red, I'm sure your garden must be a picture..!

marmee said...

very perfect...your peonies and poppies. i love both of them in a garden. so glad yours are blooming.

T@iy@ said...

You are my new favorite blog. You have the very best photos of stuff that I dearly adore. Such as peonies. They are, honestly, my all-time favorite flower. And I love flowers. And guess my second favorite? Right. Poppies! :) Thanks for the beautiful photos.