The forecast is for sunny skies
and 62 degrees.
Maybe this afternoon the skies will clear.
Maybe this afternoon the wind will shift
and warm air will blow in from the south.
Maybe so.

This morning,
the air is cold and the skies are very gray.
I felt a little mist
when I went to feed the birds.

They waited on me.
Once I was wrapped in my blanket and sitting quietly,
they came to the deck.

There are many Cardinals.and 62 degrees.
Maybe this afternoon the skies will clear.
Maybe this afternoon the wind will shift
and warm air will blow in from the south.
Maybe so.

This morning,
the air is cold and the skies are very gray.
I felt a little mist
when I went to feed the birds.

They waited on me.
Once I was wrapped in my blanket and sitting quietly,
they came to the deck.

Their numbers keep increasing.
Mockingbird found his cherry.
I set out a bowl of them for him.
The birds are telling me a storm is on the way.
I believe the birds.
Love your bird photos here and did you say 60 something? That's like summer here!
We are having the same sort of gray day here only it isn't supposed to be so warm.
Your dogwood tree looks so naked without any leaves. Our trees will likely be naked any day now. It is a good thing the cardinal perched there to give it, and you, some cheer.
Dear Mon@rch,
Thanks! My time now will be with the birds! It did clear off this afternoon but it did not warm up to 60 degrees. Yesterday it was 70 degrees! My husband and I went to a wild reserve for some birding and I saw a couple of butterflies! I was thrilled.
Dear Lisa,
I was out with the birds for about an hour and became chilled so I had to came in! The Cardinals do bring much delight! I counted 10 this evening so the numbers are increasing each day. Last winter we would have 20-30 at sunset. We called it, "Cardinal time". My husband and would sit in the living room and watch all the Cardinals come to the deck. So beautiful! It was a flock of Cardinals every evening.
Stay warm...
Well it looks like you had a fun day watching the birds. I spent mine watching the snow fall.
Beautiful bird shots, Sherry! Today we had sun and 70! Not very seasonal but nice. The birds were active. Now I need to figure out how I can wrap myself in a blanket and wait for them to visit! tee-hee!
I will miss your butterflies but can't wait to see what you do with the birdies!
It's always interesting to see the male cardinals who are so hostile toward each other during the summer start hanging out together this time of year.
Just love these photos Sherry. So very detailed and beautiful, as always. :c)
I enjoyed your birds, Sherry :-). I think ours visit while I am at work, the table is cleared most days but not while I am at home.
We look to our garden birds to be our "weather forecasters" too :-} they are always more acurate than the weatherman :-} I am sure snow is on it's way. The garden is full of sparrows and our 2 resident doves (and squirrels of course).
Dear cathy,
There is something so calming about watching a snowfall. I always think it is beautiful! The birds really come to the feeders during a snowfall too. I will be figuring out my indoor bird watching chairs soon.
I would like the snow to wait until December around here. I still have way too much to do before snow.
Dear Mary,
It is so easy to do! Get a cotton blanket from the thrift store, a comfy chair and a hot cup of tea. Place all on your deck or patio. Add about 50 pounds of mixed bird seed and a camera. Presto, birds and photos! You do so very well stalking your birds! I think I need lessons. I am a sit and read or write, drink my tea or coffee and wait for them to come to me!
Backyard birding, Q style.
We will bird together one of these days.
Bird songs,
Dear Mon@rch,
I already miss the butterflies!
It doesn't take too long before the birds build a relationship with me. They come knocking when they need water or fresh seed. I do some photos through the glass in the winter but mostly I like to be outside with them.
We will see who comes this year and how much they trust me.
Dear Marvin,
It is interesting to watch the Cardinals. They still do not like sharing a feeder but will if they have to. I have lots of small trays set up so the Cardinals can feed comfortably near each other. They all come every evening after the sparrows leave for the night.
Looking forward to visiting your journal.
Dear Jayne,
Thank you. I have not been to see you for a week! I bet you have all sorts of marvelous birds at the feeders. I will pop right over.
Dear Chris,
One afternoon my daughter was home from work and actually watched her birds! They do have certain times they come. Maybe one of these weekends you can take your tea outside and get to see your birds.
I sure enjoy seeeing all of your birds. You take lovely photos with your new camera!
Stay warm, cold air is coming.
Dear Deb,
The birds are the best weather forecasters. My feeders are full of sparrows too. The Cooper's Hawk likes them. I do too. They add lots of movement to the yard. they are messy.
Gorgeous photos!!!
Dear Judy,
Thank you. The birds are very lovely. Easy to take beautiful photos when nature provides the subjects.
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