The wind came up,
blowing strong out of the Northwest.

I took a break from cleaning.
I am almost finished.
I planted 120 Anemone corns.blowing strong out of the Northwest.

I took a break from cleaning.
I am almost finished.
I had forgotten all about them.
Today was my window to get them into the ground.
A winter storm is coming in.
Maybe I have enough daylight left to wash the outside of the windows.
I don't want them too clean.
I don't want the birds flying into the windows!
Sherry, we felt that northwest wind this afternoon, too!
Beautiful birds!!
Dear Pat,
I am not sure when the storm is coming but it did not warm up this afternoon as forecasted. I will check National Weather and see what they predict. Sometimes these systems are rather large. I am not surprised you also felt the northwest wind.
I was pleased the birds came up to the deck while I was sitting outside. The White Breasted Nuthatch comes off and on all day long. He is new to my backyard this year and seems to be staying. I have not seen the Red Breasted Nuthatch for a couple of weeks. They may have moved on south for the winter.
Stay warm and enjoy your decorating.
The icy winds are here..the ground is frozen already..we replaced a birch tree just in time! The photos of the birds are wonderful!! I had my first cardinal arrive yesterday!! HURRAH!
hugs NG.
Great pictures Sherry. I especially like the nuthatch. They seem so elegant and they are so friendly. Try to keep warm.
Love these photos and the little crest on the Cardinal is amazing! WOW
Heck with the windows!
Confession: I have NEVER washed the outside of our windows.
Whew...I feel better, having got that off my chest.
: )
Dear Anna,
Our ground thawed out this past week. We do this often in the winter. Lots of freezing and thawing. It is why I do not cut down many of the perrenials until spring. You will enjoy the Cardinals. I love their song in the spring and summer. They are beautiful birds. There is a pair that seems to know me. They are not afraid to come up to the deck when I am sitting out.
I really liked these photos. I was not going to post again but these photos turned out pretty. I just had to share!
Good Morning Lisa,
The Nuthatches ARE friendly.
I am very pleased the Nuthatches are here. They are new in my backyard.
I do enjoy their little call when they are coming in.
Dear Mon@rch,
It was really windy! Her crest was blowing. I so enjoyed pishing with you! That was so very fun. Looking forward to trying this out.
Hi Susan,
I do wash my windows just have not for a few months. I like to be able to take photos through the windows in the winter.
Nice to have Mother Nature wash them for you.
We were so upset before we had our new shutters put on - the birds just loved slamming into our front window. Happily, that all seems to be done for now. Your pictures (as usual) are inspiring.
Oops! I too am a few years behind warshing the winders. My bad.
Dear Saucy,
So glad you were able to protect the birds from flying into your windows! I have these "sticker" things on mine. They are made of some sort of material that the birds see and so they are not as likely to fly into the glass. With so many birds in the yard now I am concerned. I do like to be able to watch the birds from inside the house and once in awhile I will snap a photo through the windows.
I like it best when I can be right outside with them.
Dear Sprite,
There was a time I washed the inside and the outside of all my windows once a month. Since April I seemed to have forgotten all about deep cleaning.
I am glad I am "back" taking care of my house. Maybe this winter I will be able to get some organizing done. I still have too much stuff!
Ok, who put the curling iron on the cardinal's little tuft of hair?
I am wanting to wash the windows badly. They only get very clean when using the garden hose on the outside... Until garden hoses are legal again, we'll pretend they are clean.
Dear Mary,
LOL! The female Cardinal is so cute! Even in the wind she is a delight.
I have never done the hose on the windows. Mine fold inward so I can wash them that way if I want to.
I am not very good at washing windows. I leave all sorts of streaks. I figure "clean enough" for photos is clean enough for me.
You ability to take these beautiful photos is incredible. I just love birds, but try not to attract them since I have cats. The beauty they lend to the landscape is magnificent.
Dear Cindy,
The birds and I have a relationship, I put the food out and they eat it! For the most part they do not mind too much if I sit queitly on the deck while they have their treats.
Cats would be a concern for the birds! Good of you not to attract them to your yard. The birds teach me so many ways of how to live a joy filled life. I love them very much. All of them!
Glad you are back. I enjoyed your son's video.
Love your pictures.. birds who come for a visit in our gardens are very interesting to watch and enrich our lives.
Just found this poem..
Sunshine is delicious,
rain is refreshing,
wind braces up,
snow is exhilarating;
there is no such thing as bad weather
just different kinds of good weather.
cheers Gisela
who is watching the snow piling up in front of her window.
Dear Gisela,
I love the birds! Now that the butterflies are tucked in for the winter the birds are my main subjects for photos!
Your decorations for Christmas are so very beautiful! I bet your house looks and smells heavenly!
Thank you for the fun poem,
Stay warm and cozy,
Sherry, who is sipping hot cocoa
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