While walking this morning
I saw geese migrating.
They were high in the cloudy sky.
I could hear them as they flew over.

The Oak Tree
has begun to release its leaves.
I took a chocolate and a cup of coffee to the deck.I saw geese migrating.
They were high in the cloudy sky.
I could hear them as they flew over.
The Oak Tree
has begun to release its leaves.
It is warm outside.
The birds are busy feeding and bathing.
I am waiting for the rain.
That male Cardinal almost looked like a leaf of the tree. Nice shot. I too have been waiting for the rain. In the mean time I have watered some of the newer bushes. They looked thirsty.
PS...Were the geese Snow Geese? Usually around here if there are flocks of geese that large they are Snow Geese.
Wow that is alot of geese! i love seeing that many fly over. that has to be the reddest cardinal i have ever seen. xoxo nita
Dear Lisa,
The Cardinals in the dogwood tree look so pretty! They are camouflaged!
We need rain too. I did not get very much today just a trace.
I think the geese were snow geese.
Seeing them was a thrill. It was a huge flock!
Dear Nita,
He is red! I think he is a rather young male Cardinal too. There are three of them right now. I enjoy the Cardinals.
Every autumn when the geese fly over my husband calls out, "geese, geese, geese." I found myself saying this as I watched this flock fly over. They are tremendous.
Holy cow! Look at all those geese!
Love the cardinal shot but REALLY love the long lines of geese photo you captured! That is stunning for sure!
The geese are thrilling! Little Mr. Cardinal is a Beautiful bird.
L~ sprite
Dear Susan,
I wonder if they honk the whole time or just when they are going over a city? I worry about the migrating birds. So many dangers!
Dear Mon@rch,
It was exciting to be able to get a couple of photos. The geese are fast. These were so high up too and little contrast with the dark gray clouds.
Seeing the formations is very nice.
Ahhh... Autumn continues.
I am enjoying Autumn so very much this year.
Dear Sprite,
The geese migrating in such a huge number let's me know winter is coming. I was hoping for one more month of Autumn. I think I will watch and see when the day time highs begin dropping into the 40's. I bet before the weekend cold north air will blow in. Watching the skies now for more migrating flocks!
The Cardinals are very pretty. I love them.
Wow! Your first photo is great. So many geese flying over your home. A wonderful sight.
Dear Chris,
It was a huge flock of geese!
Very exciting to see.
Safe travel to them.
What a magnificent photo of geese!
I enjoyed your lovely day. I was with you, Sherry, as I read this.
We had some hopeful raindrops tonight. Sounded real nice...
Your male Cardinal is handsome and colorful.
Loved the geese in formation.
Whenever I see geese flying overhead like that I get a lump in my throat..
Silly me..!
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Thank you. I was able to get three pictures. They were not the easiest photos I have ever taken!
Dear Mary,
I "felt" you dear heart! Thank you. I sometimes do get lonely. Most days I do not speak until my husband comes home from work. Once in awhile I will chat it up with the birds.
The geese were awesome. I would think at least a thousand if not more. This kind of experience makes me wonder what migration was like 500 years ago before mankind "ruled" the skies.
My rain never developed! Hope you yours did. You need it way more than I.
Dear Sheila,
Never silly for loving the birds. They are very beautiful. I understand the lump in the throat.
The Carolina Wren always does that for me. I love this little wren so very much.
He speaks joy to me.
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