We sat outside on the deck.
We had our tea and cookies.
We read our magazines.

We watched the birds.
We watched the leaves fall.
We had our tea and cookies.
We read our magazines.
We watched the birds.
We watched the leaves fall.
It was 70 degrees outside.
An Indian Summer day.
The birds came and went from the feeders.
They are use to us now.
for tonight and tomorrow.
beautiful birds... especially the cardinal. xoxo nita
These are such wonderful photos and my kind of afternoon along the porch!
A lovely post, for a lovely day. A wee bit humid for me, perhaps the rain will come!
The photos are wonderful, the trees are really changing, aren't they?
L~ *sprite
You trees are beautiful, your visitors even more so.
I love Indian summer, and cross my fingers that we will get it yet..
That little woodie is especially cute...!
Dear Nita,
I do love the birds!
As we move into winter more Cardinals will find the feeders. Right now we have three pairs that come. There are two females that are not afraid of me. I am building my relationship, again, with the birds!
Dear Mon@rch,
Being outside with the birds is the best! You get so many different varities of birds at your feeders. I just love looking at your photos too.
Dear Sprite,
Thank you!
I look across the backyard and into my neighbor's trees. I can overlook and underlook the power lines! Soon the leaves will all be down. My husband sat with me and we read together and enjoyed the birds.
We do need rain, I hope some falls!
Dear Sheila,
About half of the leaves have fallen now. I am calling these days, "Indian Summer" since we have had killing frosts. When temps rise into the 70's in November, it must be Indian Summer.
The birds are very sweet. The Downy Woodepeckers do stay around all year as do the Hairy and the Red Bellied. I am fond of the Woodpeckers.
What a wonderful entry!
Dear Sherry
You have a wonderful view from your deck. Colourful birds & Autumn leaves ... We have had rain for days now - lots of leaves in puddles and wet feathered friends at the feeders :-}
Your cardinal just had her hair done, obviously. Very pretty! All of your birds are unusually pretty, Sherry.
Fall color is glowing for you! If you get rain, do a tiny rain dance for me.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
It was a beautiful afternoon!
Sitting quietly with my husband made it spectacular! I often sit on the deck and watch the birds and read or write. He seldom gets the chance to do so. One of these days he will retire. One of these days we will have lots of time together to read and watch the birds.
Dear Deb,
My neighbors have old growth trees in their yards. It is very beautiful. Autumn rains do give the trees much needed moisture to prepare for winter. I have not checked your weather for some time now. I will do so. I hope not too much rain has fallen. November can be grey and wet. I find the wet cold is the type that gets into my bones. I can get chilled and feel
as if I will never warm up.
Dear Mary,
The light was just perfect for photos yesterday! Lots of birds at the feeders and on the deck. Right now there are 3 pairs of Cardinals that come and go. They are mixed in with all the other visitors. I like having the opportunity to get some "artful" shots. Sometimes I just do a bird report! The Autumn leaves add a special light too.
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