I heard the fireworks at midnight.
I knew the New Year had arrived.
I settled in and slept soundly.

I had sweet dreams.
My dream journal is new.
It is a hand-made journal I bought in Portland.
The artist uses recycled books and has a sustainable business practice.
My friend in western Kansas is an artist.
She sent me a birthday painting.
Supporting artists and being green opens the door
to sound sleep.
May your 2008 be green.May you dream sweet dreams.
Happy New Year to you and your family! I can't wait to see what 2008 brings us!
Happy New Year to you and your family! Thank you for your friendship in 2007. I look forward to visiting you often in 2008 :-)
Dear Sherry,
What a beautiful dream journal & birthday painting.
Happy Writing, Happy Dreaming, Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year Mon@rch,
It is exciting to see what 2008 will bring.
I am looking at even more ways to live "green" in 2008.
My hope is to use as many solar powered items as I can. My husband gave me a solar powered wrist watch for my birthday. It is very cool.
Maybe I will be green and yellow in 2008, Hobbit colors!
Dear chris,
Happy New Year! It is always so delightful to come to your blog and see what you and yours are up to! I love seeing your birds too.
I have much hope for the gardens this year. I do know the too early spring last year will effect the plants for at least another year. All the irises are badly damaged.
Whatever comes, in 2008, I bet we will have fun!
OOOooooooooo I love your new journal. I have several journals. tee hee... I just love to purchase them...and then have an excuse to use them. :)
I also try to live green. I believe it is catching on in my neighborhood somewhat. I see several hybrid vehicles passing by.
A great start to the New Year...
Best wishes for a wonderful 2008, Sherry!
Also a belated Happy Birthday to you!
Dear Deb,
I have not kept a dream journal for many years. I thought it would be fun to do so in 2008. I love this journal. It reminds me of the journals Kate makes.
I love the creative way this artist takes discarded books and makes them into journals. This one is done from an old children's book. It is about myths and tales.
I had a great dream so I wanted to write it down. I think using my dreams this year to add in to the daily fun will be nice.
Happy New Year to you and yours,
Same wishes back to you!
Joyous 2008.
Dear Lisa,
Happy New Year to you too!
I also have lots and lots of journals. I have been journaling most of my life.
I have all sorts too.
Keeping a dream journal in 2008 should help me focus on ways to have fun.
My dream last night was about a yoga pose called, "Eye of the Needle". It is a relax the back pose. When I awoke I was full of energy! I think I need to remember to care for my back more. Daily yoga and walking should help me stay healthy.
I can't have fun if I do not feel weel. So I am on Healthy. I also like to be wealthy and wise. Maybe I will dream wealthy too!
Being green is also my way of life. Finding more ways to be green is a fun challange. I bet more green will mean more wealth.
Hmmmmm....how to turn those tens in my wallet into hundreds would be a fun challange.
Reduce, reuse, recycle...
I see a blog in the making....
Dear Pat,
Thank you! Happy New Year to you and yours.
I have my new calendar. I am honoring the Peoney this year since mine did not get to bloom last year.
I have my "year" study program to decide on and all of December to put away! I also have all the time I need to do it in!
Dear Meggie,
Joyous New Year to you too!
This little 1911 book is filled with lovely little old poems.
I enjoyed them this morning.
I am cleaning out my drawers and closets. I want to make room for the New Year.
Those are beautiful paintings, Sherry.
I am glad you are rested and ready for 2008. Right now, I need toothpicks to hold my eyes open.
Dear Mary,
I read a piece about how many Americans are sleep deprived. It is amazing. My sleep has been off since last March. In Portland I slept soundly and have kept that "good night's rest" up ever since. I think good sleep is an important part of enjoying life and having fun. I wish for you good rest and sweet dreams and a year of energy.
Happy New Year, dear friend.
Dearest Sherry,
Happy New Year! May all your hopes and dreams come true.
Your dream journal is very pretty!
May you continue your beauty walk, with sparkles and all that is lovely!
Much love and many blessings,
Dear Sprite,
Happy New Year!
I think being aware of my dreams again will be fun and a learning experience. I want to re-read my dreams too so I can benefit from some reflecting. My friend Carol, in western Kansas, has a dream group she meets with once a month.
It would be so fun to meet a group that shared dreams and their meanings. For now I am on my own.
Thank you for walking near in 2007.
I shall continue my inner and outter walks in 2008. Let us walk together in beauty and in love.
Sherry, who wants to be 100% green and sustainable
~Happy New Year~
I have been away and i sure miss my gardening-blogger pals!
Hope your year is full of goodness, peace and love and lots of flowers!
I was sleeping at midnight on New Years Eve also.
I'll be back again soon to read your blog. Just now i could not see the photos! I'll check back.
Dear Becky and Doug,
Thank you!
I was awake just waiting quietly in bed for the clock to strike 12 so I could say, "Happy New Year" to my husband. We both laughed at how we were waiting so we could go to sleep. Ahhh... the joy of being older.
May your gardens in 2008 also be full of sweet blooms.
Butterflies will once again grace our world with their beauty.
I am hopeful,
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