Today is the
New Mocking Bird Moon.

Mocking Birds reminds me to sing my
sacred song.

Mocking Bird reminds me
to be not afraid to share my song.
New Mocking Bird Moon.

Mocking Birds reminds me to sing my
sacred song.

Mocking Bird reminds me
to be not afraid to share my song.
Mocking Bird reminds me
to hear the sacred song of others.
Happy New Mocking Bird hear the sacred song of others.
Sing your own sacred song!
What great pictures!! They indeed made me least I made a joyful noise. :) And thank you for your positive comments about my picture.
Wow! Is this true? I've never heard of the Mocking Bird are lovely, as usual and your words warm and beautiful.
Love your mockingbird photos and happy new moon to you also!
The Mockingbird doing what it does best - posing for a photo with its mouth full.
Love your bird photos along with the snow and ice on the surfaces of twigs and branches.
Happy New Moon Dearest One~!
Peace and Love,
Dear Lisa,
You are beautiful! You did show "unafraid" in action when you posted your picture. I am inspired.
Happy New Moon!
Dear Sue,
In 2006, I realized the New Moon was unnamed! I thought it was my job to name her. So I did.
The Full Moon names I use come from the names the American Indians used.
Thank you. Mocking Bird is welcome on my deck any time.
Dear Mon@rch,
It took Mocking Bird awhile to get used to me. I think this is a different Mocker than the one that brought 2007, in with me. Last year the Mocking Birds raised two youngsters. I am wondering if this bird is not one of them. I do think he would eat the raisins right out of my hand.
Dear Mary,
LOL! He likes his raisins. I also have photos of the Cardinals eating raisins. When I sit on the deck I am keeping a handful of raisins near by just in case one of the birds would like to be hand feed. It would be fun to do. Not sure it is very good for the birds but I am their friend. I just do not want them to think all humans are friends.
Happy New Moon.
Dear Linda,
Thank you. Weather events often make for beautiful photos. The ice and snow in December was rather outstanding!
Thunderstorms mixed with snow is in my forecast for today. I will see what really comes down. Tornadoes touched down south of me last night causing all sorts of damage and one person was killed.
I do NOT need a picture of a tornado! Scarey stuff!
My Dear Sprite,
Happy New Moon, Girlfriend!
Giggles and laughs. Lots of fun!
Singing my sacred song of joy.
I see you!
We have so much fun.
We have no mockingbirds around our place, though there are plenty down in the valley. Perhaps they don't care for our ridge, or more likely, they they don't care for our blue jays.
Thanks for sharing your mockingbird, Sherry.
Dear Marvin,
The different habitats the birds like is very interesting to me. I think the birds that come to my yard are just interested in all the food I put out. I am thinking of expanding the menue some more. I put out oats and some flax seed.
Today they will get sardines.
We will see who comes.
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