I am filling jelly bowls and fixing fruit trays.
It is party time at my house.

The female Baltimore Orioles have arrived.

The males are sharing the oranges.

Yesterday I saw the male Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
So happy they remembered me.
I am looking for the ladies to come in today.
I also saw my first male Ruby-throated Hummingbird at the feeder.
I put a crimson Mandevilla on the deck.
I think the ladies will like it when they come.
I put a crimson Mandevilla on the deck.
I think the ladies will like it when they come.
Chipping Sparrow is back too!
My favorite Sparrow.
My favorite Sparrow.
A Monarch butterfly floated across the backyard as I was refilling the jelly bowls.
I am listening to the stories of the Tropics.
It is good to see my friends again.
They are of course all beautiful, but I would have a soft spot for the little sparrow. He looks a darling.
Whooo Hooo... Great yard birds Sherry and wonderful pictures of them too.
Glad to see your friends are coming back. I'm still waiting for the hummingbirds to show up.
Dagnabbit Sherry! Now I am fully GREEN....aaarrruuggghhh. They were supposed to stop here on Chickadee! ;c) Happy for you.... (sorta)... lolol!
Dear Cheryl,
Chipping Sparrow is so cute!
The back yard is full of birds right now. I am somewhat involved with keeping the party trays filled! I love Spring!
Dear Lisa,
I also saw an Orchard Oriole yesterday. Did get a couple of pictures of him. He is striking!
It is a busy time in the backyard keeping the jelly bowls and the fruit trays filled!
Dear Cathy,
They should be at your house soon. I have not gotten to know our visitors yet. I am keeping the nectar feeders filled. I will sit and visit with the Hummingbirds birds soon. They stay until October while the Grosbeaks only stay for a couple of weeks.
It is exciting!
Dear Jayne,
I almost popped over to see if any Rose-breasted Grosbeaks had stopped at your feeders. Last year they came here in a large flock. I had never seen them before. I was so very happy to see they remembered my backyard. I hope the females come too. I would love to have them abput for a few weeks.
You have so many different song birds at your feeders. I love seeing your Blue Birds! The Summer Tanagers are beautiful too.
It takes lots of backyard feeders. The birds have lost so much habitat. It is the least we can do!
Dear Sherry, they are sooooo amazing! So colorful, so bright! You might be happy to live with these cuties nearby!
Dear Mary,
The backyard looks so pretty with Orioles, Grosbeaks and Hummers!
I love the little sparrows...White-throated is a charmer as is White-crowned. My heart does go to Chipping, I think it is his little hat! I did see Chipping Sparrow has a mate! Hope little Chippers will come to the gardens soon. The little sparrows really like the leaf mold I use as mulch, so does Brown Thrasher! They like to flip it about in search of bugs.
Keeping the party trays filled takes me most of the day! I stop often and sit with the new arrivals and listen to their travel tales. I was very, very pleased to see the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
Dear Aluajala,
Having the Orioles, Grosbeaks and Hummers come to the backyard is a blessing. The Hummers will stay until October the Orioles and Grosbeaks left my area in early summer last year.
The Grosbeaks are very new for me. I am just learning about them. They migrate from South America.
They look very tropical too.
It is very exciting!
Congrats on the monarch (still early for me to see any) and love all your photos! The one with the Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a perfect example of a second year bird (you can see the older feathers that didn't molt)!
Dear Tom,
I bet this male Rose-breasted Grosbeak is one that was here last year! That is very exciting! So far I have seen three males and three females. I hope they find a suitable nesting spot. This is only my second year they have come to my feeders.
The Orioles are very happy with their oranges and grape jelly.
Having the Orchard Orioles with the Baltimores is nice. I read they migrate together.
I wish I had put the camera on before I went out to replenish the jelly. I could have snap a photo of the Monarch drifting through the back yard!
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