Tonight Dr. Nancy , an Ayurveda Practitioner,
will give a webcast program on wellness.
I will be listening.
I am working on my wellnesswill give a webcast program on wellness.
I will be listening.

and remembering to drink lots of water.
Like the plants and the bugs and birds
I need clean water.
I wonder what Dr. Nancy would say about that?
How sweet was that post.
You have made me more conscious of water Sherry and I am feeling better for it.
I am sure your chickadee agrees.
If this Dr is like me . . . they would say "cute, cute, cute"!!
Let me know what you learned from the wellness program.
Love Jeanne
Dear Cheryl,
I am so happy your water intake is on the up! I do drink lots of clean water but I need to check to make sure as it is easy to get busy and forget.
This little Chick-a-dee likes the water I put in the ant guards. I refill these every day. He also likes fresh, clean water!
I would love to do an entire month of posts about water. As it is I do a water post every now and again. Water for plants and bugs and birds and people! There is a movement towards using our gray water. Lots of areas are in draught.
I put out a small water trough for the birds yesterday. One of these days each garden growing area will have a water feature., clear, water..water...water...
Dear Lisa,
I was hoping Dr. Nancy would have something about the importance of water. She did too!
This Chickadee loves the water in the ant guards. I have seen the Wrens getting drinks too.
I try to make sure there is water available for all the critters.
Dear Tom,
I bet Dr. Nancy would love all the birds in the backyard.
I wanted to let others know about the webcast and remind all of us to be sure and drink our water.
Thanks! Chickadees have lots of personality.
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