I refilled all the feeders for the Cardinals.
I put fresh suet out for the woodpeckers.
I will need to refill the feeders soon.
Today my bird count is most impressive.
I see flocks of birds.
More Gold Finches are at the feeders
than I have ever seen at one time.

Soon I will bundle up.
I have a tree to visit.
Beautiful birds in the snow!
Your weather is coming here tomorrow through Tuesday.
Wonderful pictures! Even more wonderful when enlarged. Thanks!
I just love your pics! You got that saucy cardinal with his back to us just right! Tis the last day of February - hopefully there won't be much more snow falling.
A tree to visit? I hope it's a good visit, not a sad one.
Great pictures! I had a woodpecker like that (hairy or downy, which is it?) visit my suet feeder for the first time the other day! Of course, she hasn't returned since that we've seen, but still exciting to see one at least once.
My heart was touched as I visualized you treking across the street to pay honor to your sweet Owen. I'm only sorry I never got to meet this gentle spirit. Sweet blessings be yours as you gaze at his lovely tree.
I send you loving hugs~carol
I never tire of seeing your beautiful photos. Is the 4th one down a gold finch?
Can you suggest ways to attract more cardinals? I think i only have one ~ the same one that comes all the time. He always ground feeds. Do I need a hopper planter? I feed sunflower seeds and safflower (?) the white ones.
Thanks, Donna
Brrrrrr it is cold enough to snow here too. Luckily it hasn't.
Beautiful bird photos. Cardinals are my favourite.
Wonderful photos, Sherry. We didn't get any snow over here. Several cars were spotted, covered in snow, coming from your direction. We spent most of January and February, at the lake,hoping for snow. We came home last week. Apparently the lake had a good snow, yesterday.
As always you seem to have many happy birds keeping you company...I'm sure they have enjoyed February in your space.
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