April is full of Spring delights.
When I put away I make sure the rugs are clean.
I like wool rugs for the kitchen and entry.
I use the cotton novelty in the baths.

The dirt cup on the vacuum makes for an easy dump in the compost.
I like putting the dirt back outside from where it came!
Hola Sherry,
That bee carpet looks so cute!
Over here the weather is changing also, it is getting cooler but it is still sunny.
Have fun with the new decorations of the season!
bee = abeja
Dear Mel,
As you say goodbye to Summer I say hello to Spring!
I am so happy to see my bee things again. I do love the mighty bee.
April is a pretty month.
I am looking forward to cleaning each room and setting the April things out.
After each room is all decorated I shall cut the bent daffodils and do up arrangements. My house will be full of flowers!~
yay spring cleaning. no seasonal changes here per say, but we still rearrange and declutter.
Dear Sherry.....you are so organised and everything you do always charms me....
I to put dirt from the hoover in the composter......just where it should be....
I like this post.....
Oh your rugs are so cute especially the bee one! I've just read Cheryl's post about bees and now I see this huge yellow bee! Oh I'm almost envious. Can't wait till my bees come!
I love the pansies! I need to take pics of a couple of rugs that I have! Thanks for the inspiration!
Cute rugs Sherry. This reminds me that I have to get ready for Easter dinner here for my family. I really should get the christmas greens off of the dining room table. Ha...
Dear Mimi,
As you know I redecorate each month! Every month has special days to celebrate and so many new motifs! I will miss the kites of March but the buzz from April's bees will keep me smilimg.
Decluttering is an on going project. Seems every month I let go of more unneeded items.
Keeping things clean and tidy helps in my small house.
Dear Cheryl,
My tip for Green Monday was putting the dirt back outside! I realy like having the dirt cup rather than a bag for the vacuum cleaner. The rugs clean easily since they are natural fibers.
I make a point of only buying natural fibers.
My house is small so I have to be organized or I would never be able to find anything! I do want to go through all the books again. I think keeping tidy helps with keeping things clean.
Happy cleaning.
Dear Aluajala,
Bees are the best!
Spring will come to you soon and I hope you will have lots of blooms and bees!
I still have not seen a spring bee either. It is still early.
Dear Lavender Dreamer,
I also love pansies in April. Once I get all decorated I will go to the nursery for my pansies. I think I will do a pansy bowl for the front porch.
Happy decoarating!
Dear Lisa,
Easter is soon! Since the kids are far-far away I do a small, kitchen table, Easter brunch for two.
I have pink, green and yellow depression glass dishes that I use for Christmas and Easter. I just love the way they look together.
I smiled that you put the vacuumed dirt back into the garden, what an excellent idea..!
I like natural fibres too.
You do have a fun collection of rugs..
let's all celebrate the return of the bees to our gardens. thank you dear sherry for reminding us. i heard/saw my first bumble briefly the other day and it made me rejoice.
happy first of april to you.
It's time to pollinate the world and bring something new into it. I look forward to seeing the bees too.
I also have some novelty rugs. Aren't they cute? I love your bee. I have a ladybug and some duckies for the bathroom.
Throwing dirt back outside makes a lot of sense to me. Hope you get some nice sunny spring days.
Dear Shelia,
I switch out the throw rugs every month. I think they are fun!
I found the bee rug last fall and put it away until April!
Putting the dirt back outside makes sense to me!
Happy cleaning.
Dear Marmee,
I do love the bees!
I have not seen my first real bee yet...I am looking forward to when it is warm enough for them.
Dear Bernie,
I love the bugs....
I saw an ant yesterday and was so happy. It will warm up soon and all the bugs will be back. I will once again delight in seeing the butterflies.
Dear Wendy,
I also have a Ladybug throw rug. She comes out in February! I too think the novelty rugs are fun.
I am celebrating my housekeeping. There are lots of ways to live green...no reason to waste good dirt!
For me it is the little things that make the difference.
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