I am planning to wash the office curtains this week.
I plan on hanging them on the line.
I love the smell of sun dried linens.

I plan on hanging them on the line.
I love the smell of sun dried linens.

A pair of Carolina Wrens hopped about on the deck
this morning.
The snow does not seem to bother them.

I drank my coffee with them and wrote in my March journal.
I have plans for this month, coming and goings and daily activities.
Yet I always have time to be with the birds.
I have sowed some four leaf clover seed.
I am waiting for them to sprout.
Four leaf clovers will decorate my house this month.
I can transplant out into the yard when the soils warm.
Spring cleaning continues.
I am working on finding ways to reuse.
A green candle bell became a sprouting lid.
I am working on full use.
While I cleaned and decorated this weekend I listened to books on CD.
Jane Kirkpatrick's tale of Marie Dorion Venier Toupin, an Ioway Indian woman, is set in the 1800's. This is called, "The Tender Heart Historical Series". It is remarkable. I am learning about the history of the Northwest in a charming way.

The political history is also interesting.
I am learning place names and the ways of the region.
I am planning another trip.
My husband and I will go visit our daughter and son-not-in-law.

We have a side trip planned to the temperate rain forest.

I have things to do to get ready.
My goodness. You have been a busy bee this weekend. I too love the smell of sun/air dried linens. I love the feel upon climbing between the sun dried sheets. Nice... so is your March journal.
Dear Sherry....all my holiday linens were dried on the washing line. It is a joy to take it in and smell the sweet fragrance of fresh air......
Mr P bought a seed sprouter unit for me in Cornwall. After reading a previous post of yours I decided I would like to try one. I had some sprouted seeds with my salad today and I so enjoyed it
The carolina wren is a pretty little bird. Our wrens are secretive and hide in shadows....I have a pair that live with me all year but as yet I have not been able to get a photograph.....but I always here them speaking to each other.....
Your curtain fabric is very beautiful......studio will be paradise Sherry......
Hello Q! My... You have been busy!! Gorgeous capture of the wren! I love the smell of linens dried in the sun too! March has came in like a Lion here in Va.~We got 8" of snow & ice yesterday & ~through the night! But as beautiful as it is, I know Spring is on the way :)
I love that you found a new use for your little green candle bell ~it looks just like a min. cloche! Love that!
I don't get to visit as often as I would like Q~But when I do it is always such a treat!
Bee Sherry! Busy busy busy...
Enjoy every activity!
That trip sounds like fun, oh, and that journal looks very nice!
So many good books! I will write down the names so I can look them up.
I also dry my clothes on the clothes line - when I can. Right now there is still too much snow for me to venture out on my deck, except to fill the bird trays or throw some birdseed in the yard.
I do like that glass bell over your sprouts. I hope you get some nice ones.
Sounds like you are in for a nice trip. That will be so nice to visit family.
Have a great time on your trip!
I love the way you are finding ways to reuse things. I cleaned off my little kitchen table today, and went around the house to find something to hold some small papers and a few misc. items. I wanted something rectangular, but ended up with a round metal flower frog with spikes. It worked out well, because I was able to put different sized items on it.
Sounds wonderful! We are so anxious to travel! Enjoy your trip! I can't wait to find out what different birds you see!
That clothespin brought back memories of my Mom and my childhood. I remember the first time she allowed me to hang a load of clothes on the line to dry. I was so thrilled!
You have a lot going on! I hope March is good for you Sherry. I know you are excited about your next trip.
Your trip plans sound great...I would love to visit the rain forests...well there are many trips I would like to take.
I have made a vow this year to not use the dryer...it actually hasn't been that bad even in the winter - though sun dried is through the windows until Spring.
i love hanging my linens on the line usually in warmer weather for me, though.
i bought a seed sprouter today and am going to start in the next few days...i'll let you know how it goes.
hope you enjoy oregon. i just read a book with someone from that time as a part of the book, the scarlet thread.
also i am getting ready to plant some indoor seed which will help chase some winter dulldroms. i've been reading up on herbs and am going to be a little more adventerous this year.
p.s. sherry,
they make some great wine in oregon, i especially like the pinot noirs. enjoy!
Dear Lisa,
The clothes line is nice. I hope today to have another set of curtains out on the line. It is to be 65 degrees this afternoon!
Not only is the smell delicious but an engery saver! I am using an umbrella style. I just take it out from the garage and place it in the sleeve in the ground and open her up! So easy!
Dear Cheryl,
Sun dried sheets are a luxury.
Sumptuous living for me is not a big house but the time to have sun dried sheets and sweet fresh air....and sprouts right from your own sprouter! I love mine too. I will think of you while eating sprouts...so tasty and good for us. I often ask myself how I can improve my life. It is the little things that make the difference.
When ever I think of an green way I am so happy...
Thank you for holding my studio in your heart. I have lots to do to get ready. Studio is my focus for summer. I want to build a green studio!
Dear Cat,
There is always something going on!
I am working on full use! No trash would be excellent.
I am working, item by item, to find practicle uses for items I already own. Shopping in my basement makes good sense!
I always enjoy your visit too.
Happy Spring,
Dear Mel,
Sweet bee! Always doing something but never too busy for family and friends!
I am looking forward to seeing my daughter. I miss her so very much!
Dear Wendy,
I was so pleased to have a day last week that warmed up enough to use the cloths line. Today is to be warm again so I will get my curtains in the wash so they can go out on the line.
I am immersing myself in the ways of the Northwest. Learning the natural history is interesting. The political history also gives me a background for why things are the way they are.
Seeing my daughter will be the best part of going to Portland. I get to jump into a few sentances of her Oregon chapter.
We will have fun.
Dear Sue,
Thank you! I am in the preparing part of this trip. Anticipation has always been enjoyable for me.
Great idea for the flower frog!
I do love finding new ways for old things. I shall remember the flower frog for when I need a holder. I bet this looks great.
I use old letter racks to hold my dishes, standing up, in my cabinets. I love the look.
Imagination does best when it is exercised. You are in great shape!
Dear Lavender Dreamer,
Once the snows melt and you can get out you will love it!
Looking forward to hearing about your travels.
Wow, Sherry, I am glad I stopped in today! Lots of ideas on your Green Monday post. My cheese cover will now be cover pots of seeds, thanks to you, and I have copied off the names of the books.
I was born in Salem, Oregon, and my husband and I lived there when we were first married. It will be fun to read about your trip.
Nothing smells fresher than laundry dried outside.
It's good drying weather here today, sunny and bright but cold.
Will you drive to your daughter's or fly? I like to fly, but I love road trips, you see so much you would miss otherwise.
I love that you hang your linens in the fresh air:-) This winter ours have been frozen on the line some days LOL! Spring is coming along and we shall soon be spending our days in the garden :-)
Dear Gardenpath,
The cheese domes do wotk very good too. Be sure and give air so you do not get mold!
I shall do my posts on my Holiday blog about my Portland trip. I think I will just wait until I get home to post.
I hope to get a few photogrpahs while I am there! I have been looking forward to seeing Spring in the Northwest ever since my daughter moved to Oregon.
The study I am doing is very interesting.
I am reading the Myths and Legends of the Salish People...the first nations people of the Pacific Northwest.
Dear Shelia,
I think drying outside is the best. It feels like a true luxery.
We will fly this time. We have driven and it is a long drive.
we are taking a side trip with the kids to Lake Quinault. The temperate rain forest is so fantastic. We visited a couple of years ago and I am looking forward to going again in the Spring.
I also love road trips. I think our road trip to Texas was our road trip for 2009...but who knows? We could just take off again.
Dear Mary,
I am having lots of fun!
The clothes line is wonderful.
I also am loving the spinning wheel....
I am SO looking forward to seeing my daughter. I miss her very, very much!
Dear Chris,
I still use my dryer for some things. Most of my clothes I hang dry since they are linens and silks. My husband's go in to the dryer for the most part.
I do like to travel. It can be very tiring...
Dear Marmee,
I am so excited for sprouts for you! Cheryl is also doing them. I put some on my spinach salad this afternoon. Tasty stuff!
I also am so happy you are going to grow more herbs. I love them as you know...Do let me know which herbs you decide on.
Mint is nice for your teas and so tasty as a syrup. I also love lemon balm...
Dear Chris,
Happy Spring!
I am happy to see you made through another winter.
I shall pop over and see how your gardens are doing.
So good to hear from you.
Your month of March is full of plans and ideas. Great. And it is Spring now, wonderful! Hope you'll have a good journey to your daughter!
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