The wind has been out of the south all day,
25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph.
Thunderstorms are in the forecast for tomorrow.

I worked again this afternoon in the front flowerbed,
digging out the mums that did not come back and planting
dwarf snapdragons.
They are bi annuals and I can save seed.
The skipper butterflies like them.
The Mandevilla vine bloomed this morning.25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph.
Thunderstorms are in the forecast for tomorrow.

I worked again this afternoon in the front flowerbed,
digging out the mums that did not come back and planting
dwarf snapdragons.
They are bi annuals and I can save seed.
The skipper butterflies like them.

I bought it yesterday for my front bed.
I wanted something fancy and fast.
I put it on a bamboo trellis.
It is not hardy for me so I will have to decide if I will over winter it.
I still have a Twisting Willow tree to transplant and I will replant the Edelweiss.
I will stay working in this bed until it is replanted and back being pretty.
I lost hundreds of plants this April.
I will end up redoing all the flowerbeds.
The Bleeding Heart is in my front flower bed.
This is the third time this year it has bloomed.
It will not give up and neither will I!
This is the third time this year it has bloomed.
It will not give up and neither will I!
Mother Nature sent her winds and I feel energy.
Lots will be changing at my house.
The gardens will get a re-do.
I think the inside needs some too.
I am ready to live the artful life.
Your mandevilla and bleeding hearts are so beautiful. You mentioned dwarf snapdragons - I really enjoy those flowers. I didn't purchase any this year - at least not yet. I still need to get something for my window boxes. My primroses which were in the window boxes are done for the season, so it's time to plant something for the summer. I hope you enjoy your garden as you replenish it bit by bit.
Hi Mary,
As you know I have been somewhat despondent lately. Thank goodness for the birds and the butterflies. They have cheered me on!
As the winds blew today I began to feel the energy of change. I began to feel inspired. A complete re-do inside and out is in order. I need a re-do too...
I need new outfits and new shoes!
I think I can gather my creative self up and begin to live the artful life.
I shall see how this goes and I think I may need to start another blog, "The Artful Life"!
I think it would be ever so nice to dedicate one spot for show and tell.
I will start by getting rid of lots and gathering my ideas.
I already started a new notebook!
Once I get going I could do a before and in process and after series of photos.
I am really ready for this.
Maybe others would enjoy the process too?
Hi Sherry - I like your idea of before, during, and after! And if you should start a new blog, be sure to tell us - those of us who enjoy reading your posts. I like the title: The Artful Life. More power to you, and the best of luck. I'll be rooting for you. :)
Wow Sherry... all your energetic determination makes me tired just reading it!! You go girl!
Hi Jayne,
This complete make-over may take me awhile! I will need to keep my energy up and allow for breaks.
I started on my kitchen a couple of years ago and ran out of steam.
Once I bought the camera I found all I wanted to do was to take pretty pitures. Now that I am comfortable with the lens and filters I want to get on with the gardens and the house and me!
Using the camera as a tool for creative expression and documenting the birds and bugs and blooms, is very fun. I should be able to do that rather quickly now.
I also want to do some traveling.
It is nice to be "back" I felt far-far away for awile.
Mother Nature always gives me just what I need when I need it!
The winds continued all night and into this morning. I needed wind to blow desire back into me!
Hi Mary,
I started a journal this morning, "Living The Artful Life".
I have a place to do some jottings now. I am writing a "Life Statement". Once I actually begin working I think I will start another blog. I think sharing will be fun.
I do my daily "Walk in Beauty", which is more about feelings and I keep Corner but I want to take my life to the next level.
We will see how this next phase unfolds.
"I will replant the Edelweiss"
I love the sound of that... A tree name, I think.
And I'm so glad that the winds out of the south, have brought you a feeling of energy. I can hear it, in your words. Wonderful!!!
Sherry, April was very unkind, wasn't it?
If your garden is a reflection of you, it must be beautiful.
Sherry, I'm so looking forward to your new blog. It will be fun for you and fun for me! May was weather-good, mind-bad, here. Should check the planets, lol. Artful Life. Wonderful!
Dear Mari-Nanci,
Edelweiss is a perennial that usually is associated with the Swiss Alps. It is a small "wildflower" I had growing in my Fairy Garden. I have seed and I will begin again. To order plants I will have to wait until next year now.
I do love it.
Dear Mary,
April was very, very hard.
Thank you, I usually think the gardens are a mess and I think I am a "rag-a-muffin!" I clean up rather well and the gardens do too.
Giving myself time to grieve was the best idea. I love my plants and I am so sad some did not make it to bloom this this year.
I am looking at this next garden chapter as the opportunity to refine....
I need some refinement too.
Hi Tumblewords,
LOL!! Check the plants...
Hopefully June will be a month for "mind-good". I do know how my thinking and feeling nature can get in the way of enjoyment.
Thank you on the encouragement for "Art-filled Life".
Doing the regroup, redo, refine really would be best served as a seperate blog. I know it will take me many years as creating often is a slow process for me.
I think I shall begin.
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