Tonight and into tomorrow
the Moon will be new.
It is the New Cardinal Moon.
She is telling us our
work has value.
Wild winds swept through the night,the Moon will be new.
It is the New Cardinal Moon.
She is telling us our
work has value.

bringing death and destruction to areas south of my gardens.
Sleet and snow came to me.

Monoceros, the Unicorn, gallops across the southern sky.
A faint constellation just east of Orion,
between the dog stars, Sirius and Procyon.

I sat at the dining room table this morning.
I smoothed the cloth and thought of those who lost loved ones.
I watched the snow fall.
A White-crowned Sparrow came looking for seed.
It is time to feed the birds.
Wow! What beautiful pictures of birds. Are these birds you see in your backyard or around your property?
Your pictures make me want to visit your area of the country. Maybe we can house-swap. Ever want to visit Oregon? I love the Mardi Gras pictures too. So colorful. Is the artwork local?
Happy New Cardinal Moon, Sherry!
Happy New Cardinal Moon Sherry.
Dear Femminismo,
Thank you! Yes, these are birds that come to my babkyard. I live in Kansas City, Missouri. Not a fancy city, no mountains or lovely Ocean, just a river and lots of houses and traffic. At my house there are birds. In the season there are butterflies and lettuce, if the rabbits do not eat it all!
My daughter lives in Portland, Oregon! The Northwest is very beautiful.
The pictures on the "Shrove Tuesday" post are album covers of a few cds we listen to for our Mardi Gras celebration. The last picture is a card a friend sent a few years ago. Not local artists.
I am so happy you came and left a comment. I am looking forward to reading your journal and getting to know more about your art and your beautiful area of the country.
Thanks again,
Dear Mary,
Thank you. The Moon is always comforting to me.
I am feeling a bit sad today. Tornadoes are fearsome winds. I have lived in this area all my life and tornadoes are part of our Spring-Autumn. I have never known of one in February.
"Hi, to your Cardinals and hugs to your girls,
Dear Deb,
Happy New Cardinal moon to you too!
I was so excited to see a picture of the Cardinals at your house! They are beautiful birds. Right now I am feeding 30-40 everyday. This morning there were so many trying to get seed that I just put a bunch on the ground so they all could feed at once!
The snow has stopped and the sun has come out. Think I will go sit in the sun with the birds.
Happy New Cardinal Moon, Sherry!
It seems we're entering the "stormy season" a bit early. Those in the path of storms have been in my thoughts today.
Dear Pat,
I listened to the radio this morning after Marvin left a comment about the storms. I was amazed and sad.
Hope you and yours are okay. I will check in with Lisa and see if she is okay.
We can send blessings!
Beautiful pictures and warming sympathetic thoughts for those caught in tornadoes. Snow. I posted a few pictures of the record snowfall here - declared state of emergency. It's an unusual year...but maybe we say that every year...Take care!
Dear Sue,
You really have snow. Glad to see you have electricity. State of emergency is frightening. Too much snow! I bet your record snowfall is climate change.
Thank goodness you are a poet and a painter. Having a way to express your creativity during these cold, wet, days would be a comfort.
Stay warm and stay safe.
The Humminbirds will return. The lavender will bloom again and the snow will melt eventually.
I cannot imagine the tornadoes, & when I see the destruction, I so glad I don't live in the regions that are affected.
As always, a lovely post.
Dear Meggie,
At supper my husband said he heard more people had died in the storms that raged last night. Nature can be very awesome.
We can send our well wishes and our compassion to those who lost loved ones. We are all connected.
Hi Q, the weather was devastating here last evening too. We were lucky this time that it went either north or south of us. It was all very disquieting and in the end sad for so many.
I am happy to find that you are not affected by the storms.
Mrs Cardinal is quite beautiful with a snowy backdrop.
Stars were always one thing that I could never focus on for too long! Although, I do love going on star watch's and learning about them! Just don't expect me to remember it all!
Dear Lisa,
So glad all is well at your house. You already have a huge pine tree downed by winds this winter.
I watched the news last night and saw some of the destruction of all of the tornadoes. I think I heard 72 tornadoes! Wild energies!
After it stopped snowing yesterday I went outside. Watching the birds be successful is always joyful for me.
Dear Tom,
My husband and I are star gazers.
I never remember the names of all the stars but my husband does. He will retell me each time we are out looking. Here in the city there is so much light pollution I seldom see much! I do enjoy star lore.
When we were in Yosemite National Park one year we were invited to a Star Party. Astronomers had set up their telescopes and invited people to sit and look through. I looked at spiral galaxies and nebulas. I was profoundly changed!
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