The Lady beetles have hatched.
They are swarming.
The Grey
Hairstreakshave found the mums.
I gathered Red Zinnia seeds.
The Painted Ladies did not mind.
The female Cardinal waited in the bushes.

I have my seeds now for next year.
Seed to seed.
The year is passing.
It is a treat to see all this beautiful colours in your pictures after having had a grey and foggy, cool day! I'm longing for a little sunshine!
Have a nice week!
Beautiful photos. The Cardinal reminds me that I saw one eating seeds from a Tulip Poplar tree seed pod. The pod was upright on a branch so it looked as tho the Cardinal had been served seeds in a bowl. I wish I had a camera powerful enough to have captured that scene. When the Cardinal flew away a chickadee came in to the pod for a few seeds. Ain't Nachure Grand!
Sherry,I love the pic of the cardinal.
It's hard to believe that it is almost November already, iet you are still getting lots of visitors..!
Dear Barbara,
We have had sunny days for a while now, I am ready for cloudy and rainy! Will be happy to trade.
I adore foggy days...we seldom have them. I also like cloudy days, nice for photos.
Sunny days are great for butterflies so I like them too.
I seem to do okay, sun or clouds...
Have a Happy Halloween.
Butterfly wings,
Dear Lisa,
What a wonderful story! I love Nature.
Watching the birds is a total delight.
Happy Halloween,
Dear Sheila,
She was waiting for me to leave so she could get some sunflower seeds!
She is so pretty. If I was a bird I would want to be a female Cardinal.
Lots of butterflies today. It was warm and sunny. Still no frost so i have flowers for them.
Happy Halloween,
Bird songs,
Dear Sherry,
I really enjoy all the colors in the photos. I love the ladybug and Mrs. Cardinal. She looks so pretty in the tree.
L~ sprite
Wheeee... The Ladybugs have hatched. :-)
Yes, seed to seed. The wheel of the year is turning. Leaving us with a promise of new life in Spring... To hold onto, all through the long Winter.
"Boo Hugs" to you,
Dear Sprite,
I was tickled by the female Cardinal. she wanted me to move!
I think me sitting in the marigolds gathering seed was a little too close for her.
She is so beautiful....
The colors of Autumn this year are so vivid, I just want to be outside all the time.
Dear Mari-Nanci,
I made sure when I came into the house all Lady Bugs were off of me. They were everywhere! I loved watching them fly about, glittering in the sunlight.
For me when I finish the seed harvesting the year is over. I guess it is the olde way, year's end being the last of October rather than the last of December.
Winter is resting time at my house.
The promise of new growth in Spring does keep my spirits up during the dark days of Winter.
The Winter birds help too.
I had no idea you had butterflies so late in the year. I can't remember when I last saw one here, but then we had so few in our garden this year. Next year I must plant to attract them. I do wonder where they go in the winter and if enough will survive for next year. I am worried about the butterflies.
Dear Chris,
As long as I have blooms I will most likely have a few butterflies.
Today I had lots of skippers. I did a google search on butterflies in your area and you do have many!
Do plant for them. Butterflies are dependent on gardeners to provide food and host plants for them. I too am concerned so I do my native plants. I have had more butterflies in my gardens this year than ever before. Planting native to my area has been a huge help.
does seem late seeing these guys! Although, I am still seeing some sulphurs flying around! Our ladybugs have been so bad recently! Ugg,
Hi Tom,
I too saw a few Sulphurs. It is late! I usually have first frost in the middle of October.
Once the blooms are over the butterflies will be gone.
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