The Moon Flower drew me to her.
Her scent drifted through the window.

The white roses scented
the deck and my hair.
Her scent drifted through the window.
The white roses scented
the deck and my hair.
Miniature Crepe Myrtle
are part of the understorey in the Lilac bed.
The Cabbage White butterflies
danced in the morning sun.
The gardens are wearing white after Labor Day.
I am walking again in the mornings. I am bringing in Autumn. Come walk with me.
Your photos today show how very lovely white can be ~ especially "dancing in the morning sun" :-}
Dear Deb,
I enjoy white flowers. The butterflies are not as impressed with them as I am! Chris asked me to post a picture of the Moon Flower when it bloomed. This is the first bloom. I do not know if the Moon Flower vine is hardy here or not. I don't think so. My son was growing it in his house before he moved. I do not have room to bring it in the house for winter. I will let it go and plant a native vine next year in the Lilac bed.
Tha Cabbage Whites seem to be going for the Butterfly bush! They are the first to wake up each morning.
I've never had any luck with moon flowers. I had seeds given to me by a friend who lives a couple of hours north of me, so I know they are quite hardy. Just don't have green fingers I guess..!
Oh ~ Some of my favorites! I adore White Roses from a very special vision I had as a child, and you know I really am drawn to the Cabbage White Butterfly.
I love the Moon Flower and it's curly dancing petals. Of course the miniature Crepe Myrtle looks like crepe paper. It reminds me of many a holiday and putting up crepe paper from corner to corner. We only used white for weddings and wedding showers, I still love the memories.
Thank you for many fine memories today, I am so blessed by you.
Life is just good!
Much love,
Dear Sheila,
This is the first time I have grown Moon Flower. Thank you for letting me know it is hardy. I have it planted around a bird bath so I hope it doesn't get too big! Maybe I can come up with some sort of trellis for it. Some plants do very well in my gardens and some do not. I never know why.
Dear Sprite,
My back pond is planted with white flowers. They are pretty even tho the butterflies don't like them!
The white rose is an old fashion bush and I was happy it did not die like the other rose bushes. I use these roses for my rose water and rose syrup.
Thank you for sharing your memories of crepe paper. I too remember streamers and crepe paper roses. I had not thought about that for many years. Special times always included crepe paper.
Life is just full goodness!
I love you Sprite.
You have brought a joy into my life I had never know before.
I see you!
Sherry, your white is devine. I need to spend some time walking with you! I had a glimpse of your walking posts. I love them and will visit soon.
Dear mary,
I have been enjoying the white flowers this summer. I like to have one on my desk and one on my nightstand. Since the butterflies don't seem to like them I don't mind cutting a few.
It felt great to be walking with the camera again. My husband and I walk at night but it is too dark to take picture. Doing two walks a day is great for my legs and hips. I have a pair of corduroys I would like to wear this winter. If I keep walking in the mornings I will be trim enough to get into them.
I am looking forward to your campus walks. You see some amazing birds and your photos make it feel as if I am right there with you.
We can walk together!
Beautiful! I enjoyed the walk..your images are outstanding! hugs NG
Dear Naturegirl,
Getting back to my morning walk after my Holiday feels so good. I feed the birds and take my walk.
White flowers are my favorite.
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