Back home I was on a quest to find the coffee maker. I did and from 1991 to today we enjoy a delicious iced coffee refreshment from May until October.

My recipe has changed as our eating has changed.

Q's Iced coffee
One Toddy coffee maker
One pound ground coffee (I use a dark roast organic coffee as finely ground as I can find)
Steep 24 hours
2 cups coffee concentrate
6 cups soy milk
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
Stir and serve over crushed ice.
I have made our iced coffees with stevia and find it is wonderful. We often will have iced coffee- vanilla ice cream floats. Yummy!
Oh Sprite I did not know we could get the Toddy iced coffees here in town! Excellent!
The Stevia for iced coffee was about i/4 tsp. It doesn't take very much and we do not like the coffee very sweet.
So glad you will be getting a Toddy.
A few years ago I was smitten by pink and green depression glass. That pitcher was my first piece of Block Optic deprssion glass. I use the deprssion glass as my Christmas dishes. Now I like it so much I have added yellow. Last May I began collecting the blue depression glass. It is pretty. So glad you also enjoy it.
Thank you for letting me know sister did get the Toddy. She will have fun finding all sorts of ways of making her iced coffees. I used to make it with non-fat dry milk before we went off milk products.
Maybe she will post her commits on how it is working for her.
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