He will move a 50 foot Pine tree so it will have better light, mow around a resting Monarch Butterfly, help a turtle cross the road, give his coat to someone who is cold, drive 4,117 miles to play cribbage with his daughter, all without a second thought. He rescues bunnies, birds, bugs, bushes, dogs, cats, snakes, and lots of people, with grace and ease.

I gave him my heart and my hand many years ago.

Every day I give him my love.
He is the gift.
Happy Birthday.
:-) Sounds to me like he has everything he needs! Happy Birthday.
What a lovely post! Happy Birthday.
Hi Chris,
If I could give him a nice long relaxing break from work I would!
Instead we enjoyed a quiet supper with our son.
I had fun baking his favorite supper and birthday cake.
He is a fine man.
Makes wonderful dirt.
Dear Deb,
Thank you!
My husband supports all the ways I get involved with the plants and animals and bugs. He supports all the "new" hobbies I come up with too. What is amazing to me is he knows how to do so many things. When I took to the camera he knew how to teach me stop action, depth of field and time exposure. He knows what equipment I need to take the kind of photos I want. I am learning about filters now.
He is fun and romantic and cute!
I like him.
Dear Sprite,
Dear Quid will love this!
He was so touched that my friends wished him a "Happy Day".
Thank you for sending him your blessings.
He is a light in our world.
Beyond Sainthood when he married me!
An angel and a gentle-man with a caring and gentle spirit that is strong of body and talented in every way.
I do sing his praises.
He liked my Birthday Tribute too.
Thank you.
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