I needed to restock the pantry too. It took me six hours. The pantry is full again and I have a nice beginning on treats. Tomorrow I will go out into the market place again. By the time I put away my purchases it was early evening. I had not spent any time in the gardens. I needed to reconnect with Nature.

1 comment:
Hi Sprite,
I do think the Monarchs that are coming to the gardens are newly emerged. My husband says, "Fresh out of the wrapper". They are beautiful. Nice too that they are orange and black! Perfect for October.
I never tire of them, I have hundreds of photos! I only post pictures of the Monarchs that are here on the day of my post. The light changes everyday so the photos look so different. The flowers change too as they open more or finish up. One of my favorite Monarch photos is her on an orange zinnia. Watching the Monarchs dry their wings is fun; not on a flower but on grass or leaves.
It took me a bit to find the name of the tiny blue butterfly. They are only 3/4 to 1 inch across. The Tiger Swallowtails are about 5 1/2 inches across. The Monarchs are about 4 inches across. It is hard to tell how small the Eastern Tailed-blues really are from the close up photos.
If all goes well I should be outside this weekend finishing up the Haunted Forest. My Husband said he would help me get the rest of the branches I need for my "spooky" trees.
So fun.
May you also have a delightful weekend.
October is almost here!
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