I do love hats.
I wear one every time I leave the house.
Each month I bring out a different one for my dresser. A dress hat.

I have hats hanging on the coat rack, driving in the convertable hats or gardening hats. These are my grab and go hats.
Some are stacked in the coat closet this month, different colors and styles for different outfits. These casual hats are fun pull ons.
Some are in their hat boxes. All the hats do have hat boxes.
This stack of hat boxes stays out all summer. They are fancier hats for summer dinners out on the town.
My most recent hat is my rain hat. I had been shopping for it for two years. Just could not seem to find the right one in my city! Finally I took the leap of faith and ordered this sweetheart.
Now I am shopping for a green straw sunhat. I already found the hat box.
I love hats.
Being a hat person is just another one of life's treats! I like gloves too.
When I switch hats each month I can add a photo so you can see my hat collection.
As I do up an outfit I work on it until I have just the right hat. Sometimes it takes a couple of years.
Having things easy is part of my life. Hats can be ever so easy. Keeping them in hat boxes makes for easy find and storage. Plus the boxes are so pretty.
I also think hats are practical. They keep the sun off my head and face or keep my head warm.
I like shoes too!
On my list is a pair of yellow flats.
With the gardens and yoga taking most of my time I have not been out in the shops. Next rainy day I want to do some shopping.
I do have a special hat I bring out for July. I like it fairly well. I am looking for a new red straw hat for July. If I find one I will post a photo!
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