I am smitten by the swan and thought I would name today's new moon the swan moon but I learned something new this afternoon. When I went to get a Tiger Lily for the kitchen I set my intention. I asked for guidance. I was thinking about New Moon and the way July has unfolded. While getting my lily I saw the female Tiger Swallowtail butterfly getting sweet nector. I carefully cut my stem so as not to disturb her. I glanced up and over the house was a Tiger Cloud.

I find when I ask for guidance I am led to a deeper understanding in all aspects of life. I learn.
The more I learn about the stars the greater my understanding is of the dance of the cosmos. Plants and animals, people and places all are affected by each other and by the Moon and Sun and Stars. The more I learn about the body the easier it is to care for it. The more I learn about other cultures the deeper I understand my culture. Today I am learning about the Tiger.
It is endangered.
As I go about my day and pick yellow squashes for supper and check for ripe tomatoes and peppers I see how I am connected. I watch the bugs. Without them I would not be here. Some of the bugs pollinate and are part of the food chain. We strive for balance. If one species gets out of balance all the other species are effected. I seem to have an abundance of squash bugs! I wonder what critter eats them?
For Tiger New Moon I fixed lemonade. I used 3 lemons and 1/2 cup Lavender Syrup.

Hi Sprite,
I think of you while out with my trees! I am so in love with the Tiger. The more I learn the more I fall under it's spell.
I love the way once an awareness comes I see and hear so many expressions of my new awareness. For now I am seeing Tigers.
They are awesome.
Hi Sprite,
I did not know about the Catalpa Tree until I read your comment. Thank you for sharing this marvelous tree with me. I did a search and learned some information about these gorgeous trees. I do remember them now. It is always sad to me when a tree is taken down. I think humans should build around them! That is if they must build.
How astounding that you named those trees. We are tree namers too.
I have a tree in the park where we walk named "Whispering Tree". She tells me secrets! Next time we walk I shall take the camera. I do want a photo of my friend.
Thank you for reminding me.
Being one with the trees is one way I learn. Feeling the energy of them gives me the strength to carry on sometimes.
I will sit with my back up against a tree and just "be". I do like to have my beverage with me when I do this as I can stay for a very long time!
I never met a Tree I did not fall in love with! Once in love always in love too.
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