August decorating this year is all about Sunflowers.

"SUNFLOWER: (Helianthus annuus) This fast-growing annual has a thick, tall, hairy stem, heart-shaped leaves, and large yellow flower heads in late summer. The nutritious seeds are eaten raw, roasted, and ground into meal or nut butter and were used by Native American warriors as "energy cakes." In Aztec temples of the sun, priestesses carried sunflowers and wore them as crowns. If you cut a sunflower at sunset while making a wish, the wish will come true before another sunset - as long as the wish isn't too grand. Sleeping with a sunflower under the bed allows you to know the truth in any matter. If you wish to become virtuous, anoint yourself with juice pressed from the stems of the sunflower. Sunflowers growing in the garden guard it against pests and grant the best of luck to the gardener."I enjoy this web site. The writer has so much information to share.
I am slowly acquiring the vases for arrangements. Doing up the table tops and counter spaces. 
Finding just the right frames for photos of our Sunflowers, I am poking around. I have this idea of doing a grouping of all the different varieties we grow. I have shopping to do too.
August has needs.
Sleeping With A Sunflower by Louise Riotte stays out all year as it is a monthly adventure in old time gardening lore. In August I have it on a stand in the kitchen.
A couple of years ago on a weekend outing in Southern Missouri, my husband and I saw a roadrunner. So fantastic for us. Now this charmer is our bird of the month for August.
1 comment:
Oh, Sprite!
You are such a dear! Beep-Beep!
Fun and double fun!
Thank you! I do enjoy doing up the house and gardens. So nice of you to compliment me! Your words make me "glow" with the light of the sunflower!
I also love the legends. Old wives seem to know much wisdom.
Bees in the house could be a bother for human and bee! I encourage them to stay outside. Sometimes one does come in but we catch and release. Okay, no bees under the bed or in the bonnet.
Always laughter. Always the deep wellspring of joy rising up to put a smile across our hearts.
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