Thunderstorms were moving in.
The coffee was not yet ready.
I sat for a minute to hear the Dawn's Chorus.
I turned on the recorder.
A male Oriole came to the deck railing.
He made his little call.
I took this to mean the grape jelly needed to be refilled.
I can record another day.
Hi q,
Some great photos on your blog, i find it quite odd that i can recognise some of the insects although you call them something different. By the way what is grape jelly?
Cheers Mark
How interesting... we get Grosbeaks in Winter.
And oh your iris are lovely. -sigh- Such a pretty old fashioned flower, it seems to me.
Hi Q. Really enjoyed your pics again :-) We were promised rain this weekend but so far have none. We are heading for a very dry summer!
Hi Mark,
Thank you! You also take wonderful photos. It is fun. Hummm...It could be on the bug id that we have different names. I use the field guide for my state, I bet some of the names are regional. Also I learned that our birds are often named after old words birds but are very different.
I want to spend some time reading and enjoying your journal. I took a peek, very nice work.
Grape jelly is like your grape jam. We sread it on toast or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. At my house the Orioles their own large jar!
Dear Mari-Nanci,
How interesting, you have Grosbeaks in the Winter! I looked in my range maps and I think you have the beautiful Evening Grosbeaks. (I could be wrong!)
I have never seen any of the Grosbeaks before. These Rose-breasted ones keep me looking out and wanting to be outside with them! I would enjoy your Evening Grosbeaks I bet!
The iris pleased me. Many will not bloom this year. I have iris that were brought over from Germany by my Great-grandmother, in the mid 1800's. They were frozen so badly I doubt if they will bloom this year. I just hope I do not lose them.
Sherry, who understands "smilnsigh"
Hi Chris,
We have had 6.35cm of rain today and more is coming!!
I would gladly share....
Too much rain. I think our seeds are well watered...
Many wet birds today.
Sherry, thanks for the ID on that female grosbeak! I would have never guessed that one... That female must have been passing through winter here!
I hope the grosbeak pair will be your tenants for a long time!
Hi Sherry, How do they spread it!!!!
I have added your blog to my links
Cheers Mark
Dear Mary,
You are welcome for female Grosbeak id.
I bet she was on her way South and just stopped for a rest.
Bet she will be back by come October since you have a lovely place for food and lodging.
Hi Mark,
I will over soon for reading time and investigate all the places you visit. I see you also garden!
We have lots in common.
Your butterfly photos are beautiful.
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