One year ago today I stepped out of my comfort zone. Encouraged and guided by my daughter I clicked "publish." Today I dedicate my day to all of you. I am grateful for your kind words this past year. I am grateful for you support and encouragement. Thank you. It has been a fine year.
Happy Blogiversary, Sherry. Your daughter did the right thing and I'm sure she is proud.
Most importantly, though. Don't you feel proud? Do you feel comfort and satisfaction in knowing you brighten our days when we need it? And, don't you feel refreshed and pleased each day to click "publish"?
You are a remarkable woman who blogs with few words. It the quality of them that matters - not the quantity (re: me) LOL!
Dear Chris, It is my joy to post the essays. Today Blogger would not let my pictures post. I did a trick to get one up! I have a charming essay with the Hummers and another with the return of the Waxwings! I love doing the essays. They are a nice way for me to be connected with people who also care about Mother Nature. From my desk to yours we are one! I like that. I like making friends. Thank you friend, Sherry
Dear Pat, The internet seemed so mysterious to me, still does sometimes. I am glad Corner is pleasant for you. Our world can get so upside down. All we really need to do is be kind to one another and to the plants and bugs and critters. As you travel to Atchison be full of care the Missouri River is flooding in some spots. Stay dry. Sherry
Hi Dawn, Smiles are the best! I have deep laugh lines, I have smiled so much in my life! Nature is beautiful. Glad you enjoy the photos. I enjoy sharing them. Sherry, who smiles when she reads comments.
Dear Mary, Hummm... well in a way I feel proud. I am pleased I was able to post everyday (daughter helped when I was unable)for a year. It was a commitment I made to myself. I wanted to really learn my camera and give myself the chance to become a photgrapher. I am so pleased that you enjoy the posts. I let the pictures do most of the talking! I do seem to be able to chat a bit in comments. My daughter is a poet. She makes every word count. I learned from her. Thank you. Sherry
It has been a beautiful year, full of wonderment and surprise, some happy times, and some sad times. You capture the most delightful photos, and I have watched your photography become brilliant over a very short time (since day one.)
I'm very proud of you, and I have loved following this photo essay journal of one year.
You are an amazing and enchanting woman. You dazzle and delight us with your beautiful, thoughtful, and loving words and photographs.
Love is awesome. Life is delightful. Your love for life is remarkable.
Your light shines so bright, that even the tiniest of creatures can spot you from ten thousand miles away.
Dear Hausefrau, Oh Susiums!! If it wasn't for you I would never have ventured forth into cyberspace. You held my hand as I took flight! Even after a year of reassurances you still are so kind to lead me through the web. Corner has given me a chance to connect, thank you. Mom
Late again, but I'm here now..! Congratulations and Thank you. Thank you for a beautifully photographed blog, with pictures that are second to none. I'm impressed everyday with your posts.. Hugs xx
Dear Sheila, Right on time,open house, come as you are. Corner has been a delight for me. Meeting you and seeing your travels has really helped me want to get out a bit more. I am planning a 35th wedding anniversary trip for August. I am looking forward to it. Thank you for your kindness. Sherry
I am so glad that your daughter encouraged you and that you had the courage to move outside of that comfort zone. I know I've said it before, but this blog simply radiates calm, peaceful beauty. I become more relaxed and thoughtful with each post I read.
A very happy anniversary to you!! I look forward with great pleasure to many more entries!
Dear Mary, Thank you. It is a calm, peaceful life most of the time. I guess when we run out of grape jelly it gets a little noisy. My daughter helps me everyday be the best I can be. As I walk towards "crone years" I want to do so in a respectful and loving way. I would like to plant flowers along the path for her to enjoy when she begins her walk. Today I begin laying my paving stones. Carefully and with love so those that come behind will not trip and fall! I do need help. Thank you for encouraging me to keep on keeping on. Sherry
Happy 1st Blogger Birthday, Q. I don't think you need to thank anyone. You give tenfold :-) Thank you, Q!
Happy Blog Birthday, Sherry. I am so happy you stepped out of your comfort zone. What a pleasure it is to visit here!
Back Porch Musings
Happy Blogday! I just love the photos that you manage to capture - they always make me smile. Thank you!
Happy Blogiversary, Sherry. Your daughter did the right thing and I'm sure she is proud.
Most importantly, though. Don't you feel proud? Do you feel comfort and satisfaction in knowing you brighten our days when we need it? And, don't you feel refreshed and pleased each day to click "publish"?
You are a remarkable woman who blogs with few words. It the quality of them that matters - not the quantity (re: me) LOL!
Dear Chris,
It is my joy to post the essays.
Today Blogger would not let my pictures post. I did a trick to get one up! I have a charming essay with the Hummers and another with the return of the Waxwings!
I love doing the essays. They are a nice way for me to be connected with people who also care about Mother Nature. From my desk to yours we are one! I like that.
I like making friends.
Thank you friend,
Dear Pat,
The internet seemed so mysterious to me, still does sometimes.
I am glad Corner is pleasant for you. Our world can get so upside down. All we really need to do is be kind to one another and to the plants and bugs and critters.
As you travel to Atchison be full of care the Missouri River is flooding in some spots.
Stay dry.
Hi Dawn,
Smiles are the best! I have deep laugh lines, I have smiled so much in my life! Nature is beautiful.
Glad you enjoy the photos. I enjoy sharing them.
Sherry, who smiles when she reads comments.
Dear Mary,
Hummm... well in a way I feel proud.
I am pleased I was able to post everyday (daughter helped when I was unable)for a year. It was a commitment I made to myself. I wanted to really learn my camera and give myself the chance to become a photgrapher.
I am so pleased that you enjoy the posts. I let the pictures do most of the talking!
I do seem to be able to chat a bit in comments.
My daughter is a poet. She makes every word count. I learned from her.
Thank you.
Happy Blogiversibirthaday, Mom!
No credit to me. You had the inspiration--I just provided tech support.
Dearest Q~
Happy 1st Anniversary of Q’s Corner!
This is a beautiful dream come true, my friend.
What an accomplishment! You did it!
It has been a beautiful year, full of wonderment and surprise, some happy times, and some sad times. You capture the most delightful photos, and I have watched your photography become brilliant over a very short time (since day one.)
I'm very proud of you, and I have loved following this photo essay journal of one year.
You are an amazing and enchanting woman. You dazzle and delight us with your beautiful, thoughtful, and loving words and photographs.
Love is awesome. Life is delightful. Your love for life is remarkable.
Your light shines so bright, that even the tiniest of creatures can spot you from ten thousand miles away.
Love and Gratitude,
Happy blogiversary Sherry! It's addictive, isn't it? So happy to see you and your images each day. It makes the world a more beautiful place.
Dear Hausefrau,
Oh Susiums!!
If it wasn't for you I would never have ventured forth into cyberspace. You held my hand as I took flight! Even after a year of reassurances you still are so kind to lead me through the web.
Corner has given me a chance to connect, thank you.
Dear Sprite,
Thank you for seeing me!
Thank you for being interested.
Sharing the beauty of this walk is profound.
I am never alone.
Hi Jayne,
It is a beautiful world and universe we live in!
I am hooked on the beauty!
Thank you,
Happy 1st Anniversary of Q's Corner. I am so glad I found your little spot ... and what a lovely little spot it is.
Dear Deb,
Thank you! I am so happy I found your spot too. It is nice to check in and see what Ben is up to. I love watching your spring unfold.
Late again, but I'm here now..!
Congratulations and Thank you. Thank you for a beautifully photographed blog, with pictures that are second to none.
I'm impressed everyday with your posts..
Dear Sheila,
Right on time,open house, come as you are.
Corner has been a delight for me. Meeting you and seeing your travels has really helped me want to get out a bit more. I am planning a 35th wedding anniversary trip for August. I am looking forward to it.
Thank you for your kindness.
I am so glad that your daughter encouraged you and that you had the courage to move outside of that comfort zone. I know I've said it before, but this blog simply radiates calm, peaceful beauty. I become more relaxed and thoughtful with each post I read.
A very happy anniversary to you!! I look forward with great pleasure to many more entries!
Dear Mary,
Thank you. It is a calm, peaceful life most of the time. I guess when we run out of grape jelly it gets a little noisy.
My daughter helps me everyday be the best I can be. As I walk towards "crone years" I want to do so in a respectful and loving way. I would like to plant flowers along the path for her to enjoy when she begins her walk.
Today I begin laying my paving stones. Carefully and with love so those that come behind will not trip and fall!
I do need help. Thank you for encouraging me to keep on keeping on.
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