I said my goodnight at midnight.
I had enjoyed the travel tales of the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
They had come from the West Indies, Peru and into Central America.
The April cold snap that covered the Midwest delayed their migration.
They were hungry and tired.
They may stay in my area now.
It will depend on food and shelter.

As the night wore on their mummers quieted.
Once in a while I would hear the Mockingbird and the Robin reply.
As I closed my door I heard the "hoot, hoo, hoo" of the Great Horned Owl.
My husband had ridden his bicycle up to the grocery store.I had enjoyed the travel tales of the Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
They had come from the West Indies, Peru and into Central America.
The April cold snap that covered the Midwest delayed their migration.
They were hungry and tired.
They may stay in my area now.
It will depend on food and shelter.

As the night wore on their mummers quieted.
Once in a while I would hear the Mockingbird and the Robin reply.
As I closed my door I heard the "hoot, hoo, hoo" of the Great Horned Owl.

We needed grape jelly and oranges, more party food.
The Orioles had come from Mexico.
They also were delayed.
They can stay until September.
We shall dance and sing all Summer long.
"Thank you", to all the birders south of my border.
Happy Cinco de Mayo Day.
My grosbeak came and went. He might be back though. If I see an Oriole, you know about it.
Hi Mary,
I saw the one male late the other evening. Than all of them came!
I think this morning some went on and some stayed. I saw a pair feeding together and they seem rather comfortable at the feeders and with the other birds. We have lots of trees across the street so maybe they found a spot to nest. That would be very nice. If they stay this year than I can expect them back next year.
Grape jelly and orange slices and orange nectar just might draw an Baltimore Oriole to you. You could try one of those bird cds. I turn the bird cds on whenever the birds seem troubled. The other bird songs seem to calm them down. I have one called "The birds of Kentucky". I wonder if I palyed it outdoors if Kentucky Warblers would find me??
Sending Orioles your way.
I'm dancing with you!
We'll be dancing all summer until
Lughnasadh. Then beyond, hehe.
Dear Spritey,
Some folks dance with the stars we dance with the wind.
I see you!
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