Dear Mary, Mary's View,
The cone flowers are in the back of the back.I go through the camomile path to get to them.

Sometimes I sit on the steamer chair.
I sip my water and write.
I snap my photos when the birds or the bugs come to me.
If they need something they get my attention.
I like both ways.
Hunt or sip.
I like bugs.
Dear Sherry,
I don't know what you look like but I see you in my mind. I was certain you would wear a hat!
Thanks for this kind letter. You are too sweet and a breath of fresh air that brightens my day.
Dear Mary,
You are welcome for the essay!
I am barefoot and hatted 99% of the time..
I will see if I can get a self protrait...
That would be interesting. I could learn how to do the timer thing on the camera!
I've tried self portraits by holding the camera out at arm's length and I always look either frightened or sleepy. And I need to find a way to soften the photo to hide wrinkles :o)
I never go barefoot. I've stepped on too many bees in my lifetime.
Dear Mary,
I could not hold my camera an arms length away...LOL
I earned every wrinkle and line!
The little white around the face I earned too.
The "round" was a gift from the hormones going and the low slug breast was from the hormones coming!
I think I may need the extra fat I carry someday. Global climate change and all, it could get cold!
Or food shortages....Although I already have a plan for that, I will sow in the rows in the cemetary.
I will ask my husband to take a photo!
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