Before I left on my morning walk
I checked the gardens.

The Tiger Lilies are blooming.
Last July I took a picture of a Tiger Swallowtail nectaring
in the Tiger Lilies.
Maybe one will come this year.

The birds and the wind have planted so many flowers.I checked the gardens.

The Tiger Lilies are blooming.
Last July I took a picture of a Tiger Swallowtail nectaring
in the Tiger Lilies.
Maybe one will come this year.

I do not know this charming flower's name.
Maybe a butterfly will like it.
I do not have a cherry tree.
I put out some cherries
for the Cardinals and the Mockingbirds.
A Hornet let me know this path is closed.
Time for me to put on my walking shoes.
Time for me to put on my walking shoes.
Oh Sherry~
The photograph of your Tiger Lily is just exquisite, as well as your surprise flower.
The Cardinal eating the cherries, well isn't that just so precious! You know I love Cardinals!
And look! The hornet has gossimer wings!
You just continue to amaze me girlfriend!
L~ sprite
The cardinal picture is amazing, clearly it's enjoying the cherry. I don't get cardinals here
Beautiful, beautiful flowers Sherry. Just a feast for the eyes.... and love that red, red cardinal too. Have a blessed day!
Absolutely stunning photos, as always. The tiger lily is beautiful...and the cardinal eating the cherries took my breath away! C'est magnifique!
Dear Sprite,
My Tiger Lily stand seems to be half the size it was last year!
Not sure what happened there.
The hornet left about an hour after I was "warned". I guess not a good spot for nest!
Thank you!
These essays are so fun to do!
Glad you like them too.
Dear Cathy,
The Cardinals are year round backyard residents. We have three pairs now and lots of juveniles.
I was reading others posts about the birds eating all the cherries off of their cherry trees. I thought maybe my birds would like some fresh cherries. I give them dried most of the time.
We also like fresh cherries. Some for me some, for the birds!
Great color! Great post! You put out cherries for the I know that you are a ~special soul!~..
I've known all along but I mean
~real special!!~ hugs NG
I just found your blog via the random fact game and what a fantastic find it was. Your photos are beautiful! I looked around a bit and couldn't find any information about your camera. Would you mind telling me about it?
Dear Jayne,
Thank you! The colors of nature are so vivid and beautiful.
I never grow weary of looking about and seeing what marvels Mother Nature comes up with!
I love the patterns and well just every thing!
Blessings to you too,
Dear Kate,
The Cardinals really like the fresh cherries. I put six out each day for them. We have six Cardinals!
I do like the Tiger Lilies. They are so interesting the way they open and their colors!
I really do like to take pretty pictures! I am trying to be creative too.....
Sometimes I just snap and other times I move the dials around! I keep looking for the perfect photo to send to you. One will say, "Kate" one of these days.
Dear Naturegirl,
They like the dried ones so I figured they would like the fresh too.
I don't have room for a cherry tree. Did not want my birds to be left out of the cherry action!
You would do the very same thing.
My husband was having cherries after work and set aside some for the birds.
Hi Heather,
So glad you found me! Now I can find you.
I use a Nikon D50. I have three lens, so I can go from 18-500x.
I would like the 750 and a macro lens, on my list. I also sometimes use filters, monopods and tripods.
I took to the camera last year when I finally found what I wanted at the price I was willing to pay.
The photo essays are very fun to do. Glad you enjoy them.
Boy I miss having cardinals in my yard! Sigh :(
Hi ABQ-B-fly Guy,
There has always been a pair of Cardinals in our yard. I think they were here when we moved in 30 years ago. Right now I have 3 pairs; front yard, back yard and side yard. The juveniles from the first brood come to the feeders sometimes. It appears the Cardinals have nested again.
I love their sweet ways with each other and their songs.
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