in the Queen Ann's lace when she saw the blooms.

The Bee Balm is almost finished blooming.
The Gold Finches are harvesting the seed.
I had thought I would cut the Bee Balm back for a second bloom in September.
I will wait until the Gold Finches are finished.
The Zinnias and the Marigolds are in bloom.
They are providing nectar for the Skippers and the Sulphurs.
I want to plant a few more Butterfly Bushes.
I think they will be nice for July into August nectar for the Swallowtails.
Still no rain.
I am watering, moving the sprinklers every 30 minutes.
Please to have rain.
She is so pretty against that lovely purple.
We need rain badly too. It was forecast for today but didn't come..!
I am learnng from you.
I'm doing a rain dance for you. We just had a storm. Heading Northeast, though. Dang.
Dear Sheila,
I so understand the need for rain.
It also has been forecasted for us but kept going around. Thank goodness tonight a storm did developed and we received real rain. Only .3 of an inch but I take every drop I can get.
The Black Swallowtail is very beautiful. I was pleased the butterfly bush began blooming just as the bee balm was finishing up.
Keeping nectar plants from April through frost is one of the many ways I am changing the gardens.
I have 20 Spice Bushes on order for September planting. I am making an underplanting hedge near my pines. This butterfly gardening is fun and the Swallowtails are so beautiful.
Dear Mary,
I learn from you too!
Gardening for the birds and butterflies is different than gardening for flowers for my house!
I am enjoying it. I read an article in the Herb Companion September 2007's issue about Monet's garden. There was one section called "Seeing as Monet Saw". I have been looking at the gardens differently ever since. It has to do with light and native plants and textures.
I think as I redo I will keep textures in mind.
No mention was made of butterflies or birds.
We did get a wee shower tonight.
Oh joy! The sound of rain is music to my ears.
Did you hear back about the wind harp?
You will love one, they are amazing.
Glad you had some rain. You have been very dry.
My favorite wind is from the east.
Rain almost always comes from the easternly wind. Most of our storms in the summer are from the south west. We are in tornado alley so I do have much respect for the SW wind!
Dear Sherry,
What beautiful flower and butterfly photos!
We ended up getting a downpour for over an hour here. And, it rained on for longer. Did you get rain?
Hopefully you got your wish.
Did you wash car? We bought Van. hehe~ She is all nice a pretty in the driveway and now, very wet. :)
My solution to needing rain~ go buy a car.
So sorry I had not read comments yet to see that you indeed got rain.
I think we got it all south of you. Our back yard was flooded between the tall Oaks.
Thank you Mary for the rain dance! Good job!
Thank you for your pictures, Q:-) I am sending you some rain. Have your umbrella ready :-)
Sherry, we are finally getting some of the rain you all had earlier in the summer. It makes things rather steamy, but it's soooo welcome. Everything is blooming late as a consequence, which is better than never I suppose. Praying for more rain your way.
Lovely comforting images for my teary eyes. I did not know that we cut back Bee Balm for a secon bloom! Thank you for your comforting words regarding my loss and for posting these wonderful images!Hugs NG
Dear Sprite,
You received much more rain than I did! Ours lasted maybe 15 minutes.
It actually smelled "hot" afterwards. My husband and I walked right after the downpour, it seemed to be steamy even tho it was nighttime.
So glad the van arrived. You will enjoy being able to get out some.
I will put "buy a new car" as the supper emergency plan for when rains are so slow on coming.
I did wash my car. It always works.
Mary's dance was very successful!
She is good. I can just see her and her doggies bringing the rain down and sending it eastward for our gardens.
Dear Chris,
Thanks for the rain!!!
Please to have some more???
Another helping would be ever so nice.
I have packed the duck umbrella to send on up to my daughter but I have many others I can use. I need a good walking in the rain morning too.
I love cloudy, rainy days.
The butterflies like the sun.
Guess some of each is the best.
You are welcome for the Black Swallowtail photos. She is very pretty.
Dear Jayne,
Oh good, you were too dry for too long! Things will catch right up now. We had wonderful rains in June. July has too dry!
August is normally my dryest month.
Thank you for keeping us in your rain prayers. Sheila needs rain too. We can work together and the rain to dry equation will balance out a wee bit better.
Dear Naturegirl,
I am crying with you over the death of Freddie, a fine cat. I did light a candle for you. I wished on a star that you would find comfort. I understand. Not a day goes by I do not miss my Kitty.
We can also deadhead the Butterfly bush for repeat blooms. I will need to do this so I have nectar in September and into October. It will take a few years for my continuous blooming, April-November, of rich nectar plants to take hold.
Holding you in my thoughts,
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