Happy Lughnasadh!

It is August!
When the pollen falls from the flowers I am so charmed, Fairy dust!
Sunflowers are gracing the August tables. We are having another heat wave. A water main broke a couple of blocks away so our water pressure is very low. I have two sprinklers going so the birds and the plants are getting drinks. The heat and the dryness are so very hard on all of the gardens. I am trying to keep the mums alive. I am staying cool too and drinking lots of water. Harvesting the heat would be nice and storing it for winter.
Each Day is an opportunity to give. Each day I receive gifts.
In August I shall be ever so aware of the gifts. In August I shall write down, in my journal, the gifts that come to me.
Hi Sprite!
So happy you shared Lughnasadh with us. Thank you.
Do you have a reciepe for Bannocks you could share with us? I am thinking they are a very yummy bread!
I looked up Inverness, Scotland. So lovely. I like those temperatures too.
Please to visit you in Scotland!
Maybe we could visit an old wood forest! I could take photos.
To Good Health to you too!
Thank you Sprite!
This sounds yummy and easy. I shall try them.
My Husband will be so pleased.
Q ~(me too)~
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